Thursday, August 5, 2021

Happy Birthday to Barack Obama!

TBT:  Happy BDay Mr. President!

Prayer In Celebration of President-Elect Barack Obama,44th President of the United States, his wife Michelle,his daughters Malia and Sasha and All the People of the Earth=Heart.
Blessed Divine Spirit,

Right now we are filled with joy, and respect for eachother.

Let our lives have new meaning.

Show us how to best do your work, to have patience, and undying love for All..

Allow us new gratitude and fortitude filled with courage and laced with strength as we shepherd in this magnificent new era.

We have voted with our hearts open without fear.

Let us be exuberant in our hope,
ecstatic in our faith
and peaceful in our joy.

There is work to be done.

Our lives are wrought with challenges but the World community joins us in this new time; in our desires to heal
 and nurture our Human Collective.

We are Awakening in Love
One by one.

We are re-membering our children and our seniors as special gifts.

The lens for our collective future is clear.

The message is Change.

We are being asked to return to love.

Love is another name for the energy of God.

It moves through each of us
with each breath we take.

Within this Love are the seeds
of Grace and Understanding
that allows us to nurture our world gardens of peace.

It is a peace that comes first within our hearts and is reflected to others.

It is a peace that allows us to take only our share, to not be wasteful…to be generous in Spirit, action and deed.

This is how our Garden will flourish and join with the forest, the ocean shores, the city plains and hills, the country villages, the mountains and valleys.

This is how we can move beyond war and create a world with equanimity where there is food, housing, healthcare,
economic stability
and new solutions to Earth’s conservation and Global warming, while honoring our entire sentient family.

Let Us Join Together with President–Elect Barack Obama

and say….YES WE CAN!

And So It Is With Love!
(c) Rev. Melony McGant 2008

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