Thursday, September 30, 2021

The Gift of Un-Relenting Love...

The Gift of Un-Relenting Love...

Dreaming and imagining galaxies throughout the  MultiVerse...

Re-Membering the planets of Chiron, Sirius and Pleiades...

Across the ethers of time forgotten,
through the winds of chance unknowingly planned;  
Destiny offers free will
and Love.

Love then, becomes both a choice 
and a responsibility.

While traveling as stars across the Uni-Verse...

As dolphins swimming in the depth of oceans...

As birds flying in tribes across Mother Earth...

Then becoming human and walking through the dirt and mud;
sometimes stuck in the muck and mire of ego, fear, hate or selfishness...

Un-Relenting Love has always existed. 

We can learn to feel, listen and live with the Breath of Compassion and Love.  

Often we will find safe refuge by learning humility and meeting Grace at an Oasis of Healing.

In Our Awareness...
We are given integrity with strength, courage, and hope 
with kindness that soothes 
sorrow and offers forgiveness...

It is then with Joy, that we are re-born through Faith with the Gift of Unrelenting Love.

Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times. 

Continue to Breathe. 


With Every Breath, with every feeling, with every step, with every smile, with every tear and every thought. ..

Please Try to Re-Member to Believe and Embrace the Gift of Unrelenting Love...

Always, Melony 💫💥💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

#AncientBeings #Cosmos #WhoAreYou #UnRelentingLove 

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Vision of Re-Membering!

Vision of Re-Membering!

Beautiful People, 

Today Let Us Vision Ourselves with Strength, Courage, Hope, Integrity and Love.

Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.

In Love.  Out Hope.  In Love.  Out Hope.  In Love.  Out Hope.  In Love.  Out Hope....

We Release Our Fear. 
We Listen Deeply. 
We Speak the Truth.

We Honor Our Hopeful Ancestors. 

We Nurture Our Children, Our Elders and Our Entire Earth Family. 

We believe in Economic Empowerment for All People.

We walk as Servant Leaders, Diplomats & Compassionate Visionaries.

We look at our Brothers & Sisters, some lost, and open our arms to Show the Way. 

Together We Stand in the Reflection Pool of Our Ancestors, and join them in Hope and Celebration of the ongoing journey to Re-Membering LOVE…

With Gratitude, Breathe!

In Love. Out Hope with Love.

Today, In Our Hearts and Our Minds We Speak and Commit to Live These Words Through Our Good Actions of Love....

"Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect,Truth, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!"

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💫💜💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow🎊 

Photo:Artist Unknown 

#Ancestors #Breathe #Compassion #Courage #DeepListening #EmbraceTheMystery #ExudeJoy #Gratitude #Healing #Hope #Humility #Integrity #Joy #Kindness #Love #Strength #Truth

*Love Like You've Never Been Hurt!

*Love Like You've Never Been Hurt! 

Beautiful People, 


Sometimes it’s gentle…
embracing, all encompassing,
never smothering.

Other times Love glows
like a star with a purple center
preparing to recreate and trek
throughout the Galaxy.

Love is
the freedom to be,
to explore the YOU that 
nobody knows.
Love allows you to travel
back to old beginnings
opening your heart;

healing ancient wounds 
with forgiveness
for times when it seemed
like MotherFatherGod
just didn’t show up.

Love requires that you
live in the moment
finding joy in the twinkle 
of your eyes,
the boomboombaboom
of your heart
and the brilliance 
of your smile.

Love is...
Sharing Your Joy …

Simply Show Up.

Always listen with open ears 
and a pure heart.

Please accept your destiny 
with honor, and Love…

Always Love...
Like You’ve Never Been Hurt!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💖
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love! 

*Poem taken from the book #SUNSHINEANDOLIVIER by #MelonyMcGant 

Beautiful Graphic by Kristen Mueller

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Song of a Sinner!

Song of a Sinner!

Beautiful People, 

Love Was All Around Me Everyday...

In the smiles of the children
in the melody of a song
in the dance of the trees blowing in the wind...

In the light of the moon 
and the sparkling stars 
in the warmth of the sun
and even the roar of the ocean...

Love Was Before Me Everywhere. 

Love was constantly saying hello and asking me to care, share and Love.

But my ego needed control,
and in control, I destroyed it all. 

Then empty and alone, my heart became broken and scattered throughout the many crevices of Multi-Verse. 

And in the emptiness of Eons Beyond Time, I was filled with the Benevolent Mercy of Our Creator. 

It was then, beyond the desire of my selfish ego that even me, 
the worst of sinners. was forgiven and born again in Grace. 

Having learned that lesson, 
now I am able Only to See, Share and Reflect Love!

This is my gift to you and the World! 

Today take a moment to open your hearts.

Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times. 

What Is Your Truth? 

What Have You Learned? 

How Does the Gift of Genius 
Live Within You?

What Is Your Offering to Yourself and Those Around You?  

What Is the Gift  that Only YOU Have to Give to the World? 

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💫💥💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Illustration by #JonathanGreenArtist 

#Believe #Breathe #Love #WhatIsYourTruth

Monday, September 27, 2021

Living with Courage, Truth and Love!

Living with Courage, Truth and Love! 

Beautiful People, 

Please clear your mind and open your hearts.

Greed, Hate, Envy and Selfishness has caused so many of us to hide the Truth and lie to protect our material selves. 

But lies have no strength or foundation in Integrity or Love.

Every lie becomes first a distraction and then, a weapon of despair used to subjugate and promote acts of disrespect, separation, violence and wars.

Though the Truth may be painful, through Courage, it provides us an opportunity to ask for and offer Forgiveness so that we can be like Lights in a tunnel of darkness where so many of us have lost their way.

I Breathe Deeply Ten Times. 

With each Breath, I Inhale Courage, Truth and Love. 

As I Exhale, I let go of every lie I have been told.

I sit quietly in the newness of Truth. All the Good I want for me, I want for You. 

I understand that by believing in, and living with integrity while consistently offering compassion and Love...

Ancient Wounds Can Be Healed.

And so, it is for Our Blessed Creator, the Children of the next seven generations (and beyond) to come, and for every Ancestor who desired Peace that I am given the Fortitude and Strength to offer my hand in healing and hope.

Today,  I Invite YOU to Have the Courage to Speak the Truth with Love! 


Let the Good we want for Ourselves be the Good we want for All Others. 

Let us care enough to be Truthful and learn to walk with Integrity together as Equals, sharing our cultural and material gifts.

 Let Us Step into Our Great Destiny of Hope with Loving Hearts!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love. 

Always, Melony 👑💜👑
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening,  Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Ancestors #Breathe #Courage #EmbraceTheMystery #Fortitude #GreatDestiny #Healing #Hope #Inspiration #Integrity #KindAndLoving #LivingInTruth #LovingHearts #Meditation #Motivation #Patience #Tenacity

An Affirmation of Gratitude...

An Affirmation of Gratitude...

Beautiful People,

Please Join Me In  #AnAffirmationOfGratitude ... 

First Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times.

In Gratitude, Awareness and Love.  Out Gratitude, Awareness and Love. 

In Gratitude, Awareness and Love.  Out Gratitude, Awareness and Love..... 

Affirm and Say to Yourself... 

"I begin this Day in Gratitude with Awareness and Love.

I have the curiosity and hope of a child with the ability to grow and transform like a caterpillar to a butterfly.

Within me is the flexibility of a monkey, the courage of an elephant, the fearlessness of a lion and the gentleness of a dove.

I Listen Deeply.  I draw on the wisdom of ancestors, children, and elders as well as trees, rocks, dolphins, oceans, all Sentients.

Patience Fills My Heart.  I honor the luminosity of our Mother EarthHeart, Stars and Galaxies.

Most Importantly through my thoughts and actions, I Cherish and Honor Our Blessed Creator of ALL That Is, and All That Is Not.

Today, I walk simply with prayers of compassion, courage, determination, faith, forgiveness, good purpose, healing, hope, integrity, respect and appreciation of Myself and All Others.

I Am a Vessel Open...
Ready to Share and Receive Love.

Because I Honor Life's Mystery... 

I Am Learning to Allow Love's Symphony of Greatness, Healing, Hope and Harmony to pour through me and out into the World." 

And So It Is With Love!

Believe. Breathe.  Live.  Love. 

Always, Melony 💫💜💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

#Breathe #Compassion #Courage #DeepListening #Determination #EmbraceTheMystery #GoodPurpose #Gratitude #Harmony #Healing #Hope #Inspiration #Integrity #Joy #LovesSymphony

Sunday, September 26, 2021

LovingKindness Meditation

A LovingKindness Meditation 

Beautiful People, 

Take a moment and still your mind.  Breathe and Exhale Deeply Four Times.

With each breath,  imagine that you are opening your heart.  Feel a rainbow of Grace and Love as it fills your heart and moves through your entire body.

Again, Breathe and Exhale Deeply Four Times.  

What Does a Rainbow of Love and Grace Feel Like?  

Sit with that feeling as you continue to Breathe.

 May we heal by offering forgiveness and mercy to ourselves and all others. 

May we honor all sentient beings.

May we seek understanding and honor All cultures as we learn to Love each other as a diverse human collective.

May we un-lease Our True Potential  of Goodness, and allow our every act to reflect compassion, kindness, and hope.

May our hearts stay open with ease and Grace as we decide that good, sustainable change is doable and possible only through Love.

May we actively work to do NO harm, use technology to assist and see All safe and happy in a World without envy, greed, hate or violence.

May we share our resources with Love so that each child and every family has a home with clean water, healthy food, education, and good opportunity to prosper and grow in  flourishing, safe communities on Earth/Heart.

Again, Breathe and Exhale Deeply Four Times. In Love. Out Love. In Love. Out Love. In Love....

May We Walk Always with Grace, Loving Thoughts and Actions.   

Believe. Breathe  Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💫💜 💫
aka Miss  Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#ActionsOfLove #Breathe #Compassion #Cooperation #Courage #Grace #Healing #HopeForHumanity #Inspiration #LovingKindness #Meditation #Peace #TruePotential

Saturday, September 25, 2021

While I'm Here...

While I'm Here...

Beautiful People, 

While I'm Here... 

I want to live just in this moment with Good Purpose and Smiles of Love.

And if pain and sorrow come; I want to embrace my tears and let my heart heal of all the wounds I will have only just discovered. 

Even then, I want to share gifts filled with the honey of healing, hope and Love that forever fill my heart. 

While I'm Here... 

I want to Breathe Deeply, Often and Regularly with Love.

I want to keep Imagining us living with Goodness.

I want to say and see that #BlackLivesMatter so that #AllLivesMatter. 

I want All People to live in safe, beautiful communities with nourishing food and good healthcare, in homes of Loving Families. 

I want us to care for and honor our Elders; as we live the good dreams of our Ancestors. 

I want equality, justice, respect and an end to systemic racism, classism, and poverty of mind or Spirit. 

I want the children of the next seven generations (and beyond) to be able to have fresh air to Breathe Deeply, clean water to drink and oceans or lakes to swim in, without pollution.

I want everyone to have quality education to develop their genius and gifts; and to live without fear; so they can achieve their big dreams.

I want to Imagine more of us feeling connected to trees and flowers, birds, dolphins and all sentient life so we recommit to solve the problems of Global Warming. 

I want to read books, listen to music, support the arts and continue to be inspired by living with compassion, courage, healing, humilty, patience, mercy, and forgiveness; as I Dream and Imagine a World of Integrity, with Peaceful Prosperity for All. 

And I know that in the Twilight of my life, one day I will bid you Bye for Now...

Perhaps then I will be able to dance across the ocean waves before I fly and walk on clouds; and join the many gone before me whose Spirits now sing and dance with a Heavenly Glow! 

While I'm Here...

I Want to Breathe with Hope; Live with Compassion, Courage, Healing, Hope, Integrity and Love with JOY!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony  💫💖💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

#Compassion  #Courage #HoneyOfHealingAndHope #Imagine, #Integrity #Love #Patience #WhileImHere

Walk In Truth Anyway! ‪#‎Destiny

Walk In Truth Anyway! ‪#‎Destiny

Beautiful People,

People may ignore you because of where you come from, your social status, your religious beliefs or your race.  Even your birth family may choose to close their hearts to you when you have been baptized in Love. 

Walk In Truth Anyway. 

Still yourself and open your heart.  Breathe and Exhale Deeply, Many Times.

Let go of all the places in your heart where you have been hurt or disappointed, and where you have hurt or disappointed yourself, or others. 

Offer Forgiveness to All, including yourself.  Let Rainbows of Compassion and Humility begin to cleanse your soul.

Keep Breathing Deeply.

Embrace the Cloak of Courage and Integrity.  

Every wound gives temporary pain but also is a lesson in acquiring Strength in times of adversity. 

The fractured or broken bones, your muscles, your brain and your tender heart are always healing through your genuine ability to see the joy in overcoming whatever challenges we face.  This is Life.

Your Destiny lies beyond the disappointments or failures.  Your Destiny  will not be marred by jealous thoughts or petty actions.

 Your Destiny Resides In the Heart of Love.  This Is Truth.

Truth is the only way to live as a Being of Love.  Knowing, speaking and being the Truth is how we live Our Good Purpose.  

No matter the obstacles, Everyone has a Good Purpose and a Contribution to make on this planet. It is something that only YOU can do, or say or write in the Fabric of Time. 

Today Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times.

Inhale Courage, Integrity and Good Purpose. Exhale Love and Forgiveness. 

Inhale Courage, Integrity and Good Purpose.  Exhale Love and Forgiveness... 

Even when you  have taken wrong turn, think you are lost or it seems like all the familiar doors have closed...  

Please Don't Give Up.   Never Give Up!  

Continue to Walk with Hope, Humility and Compassion. 

YOU Have Been Baptized In the Waters of Love....

Grace Is the Voice Calling.

Yes, Grace Is the Voice Calling...

"Love Is the Answer. Your Destiny Is Great. Walk in Truth Anyway!"

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💫💥💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊


Friday, September 24, 2021



Beautiful People, 

If we want to solve problems, meet new challenges and see good results, we've got to Believe that Good Things Will Happen. 

We've got to do more, graciously with humility, integrity, patience and Love. 

Sometimes we have to do more and more, so that others too are inspired to believe and Do More Good. 

And when we think we've done all the good we can, there are days that we simply have to Believe and Embrace our good hopes/dreams and do one more good thing with Love! 

Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times.  

In Love. Out Love. In Love. Out Love.  In Love. Out Love...

You Are Wonderful and Worthy. 

Believe and Embrace the Power of Compassion, Cooperation, Deep Listening, Graciousness, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Patience and Love! 

Thank You for Your Beautiful Hearts and All the Good That You Do!

Believe.  Breathe. Pray. 
Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 👑💖👑
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊 

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Believe #Breathe #Compassion #Cooperation #Courage #DeepListening #DoMoreGood #Healing #Hope #Humility #Integrity  #Joy #Love #Tenacity #Patience #Understanding #YouAreWonderfulAndWorthy

Thursday, September 23, 2021

For Every Soul Spirit...

For Every Soul Spirit... 

Beautiful People, 

Today, Clear your minds and open your hearts.

Think and Feel Only Love.

Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times... 

In Love. Out Love.
In Love. Out Love.
In Love. Out Love.
In Love. Out Love....

Though some of YOU 
try not to think of US
or feel Our Energy...

Like an arrow, 
the very thought 
of Potential Oneness
always creates 
a bulls eye of Love
in Our OneHeart;

Much like thousands 
of eons ago
when the Multi-Verse 
was being created
and All were Spirits of Light
learning to Love. 

So many Spirits came 
separately to Earth 
and sometimes were Seduced
by the Power of Darkness. 

Some found each other 
as Warriors 
from different lands;
vowing to conquer;
forgetting memory 
of a Divine Purpose. 

Each time you partially
Awakened throughout 
the ages of Time;

From the Stars and Heavens, 
throughout every known or 
unknown Galaxy...

We Called for You.

We Sang and Danced for You.

We Prayed for You.

Was there ever a Right Time? 

You have lost us; and found us
again and again---lifetime after lifetime.

Still so many were caught up
in cycles of mire and material illusion. 

Some of you grew to doubt 
our sincerity, and looked 
everywhere but Within
for the purity of your hearts,
which once you gave freely,
and now, do not admit 
to Re-Membering. 

We Are Forever ONE,
fully Awakened and Re-Born
in the Creator's Love. 

We Are Forever ONE,
bound only by Heaven.

We offer our courage, devotion,
humility, and compassion.

We imagine that ALL honor
the Melody of Eternity
and dance the Soul's Dance. 

Do you know that the Memory
of Divine Essence lives in you still? 

One Day we will meet again,
with respect for All 
Loving Creations
without the need for envy, 
hate, fear or greed.

And in your Loving Innocence...

All Will Re-Member
the Creator's Song!

Until then, We Thank ALL
Who Have Awakened.

We Ask Each of You
to Have Courage,
and to live always with 
Integrity, Grace 
& Divine Purpose.

We will continue to send the 
Healing Vibrations of Lights 
filled with Compassion, Hope, 
Integrity, Faith and Love.

Re-Member, We Are ONE 
Only In LOVE!

Ashe! Namaste! Ubuntu! 

Always, Melony 💫💥💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!


Crossroads Theatre Premiere: When Day Comes with Sweet Honey In The Rock!

When Day Comes: A World Premiere!
Crossroads Theatre at New Brunswick Performing Arts Center (NBPAC)

"When Day Comes"  conceived and  directed by Ricardo Khan (artistic director, Crossroads Theatre Company) and written by Mr. Khan in collaboration with #SweetHoneyInTheRock is a brilliant soul searching muti-media musical and theatrical production that takes us on a riveting journey through the touchstones of the Historic Pandemic we are experiencing.

It calls forth the feelings, hopes, dreams and voices of All of Us, as well as Ancestors and social justice and climate inequities ever-present.

Ultimately the message of this profound Love Offering is one of Hope, Healing and Grace.  No matter our losses, the challenges and the adjustments, we have had to make; When Day Comes,  with lessons learned We Go On....

Kudos to Ricardo Khan  for his vision to bring the heart wrenching, soulful music  of Sweet Honey In The Rock because this award-winning group serves as our collective conscience and begs us to come together to speak the Truth and Manifest Good Change in our society!

BRAVO to the Wonderful Cast and Production Team with profound movement by award winning choreographer, #DianneMcIntyre!

When Day Comes is a #MustSee Healing Theatrical Event that should go the Kennedy Center and Broadway. It also kicks off The Inaugural Crossroads Festival Theatre at NBPAC. 

Special Thanks to  Group Sales Coordinator Ros Neal and Crossroads Theatre Board Member Susan Settles for their kindness.


Melony 💫💜💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

#WhenDayComes #CrossroadsTheatre #NBPAC