Tuesday, December 26, 2023

An Afternoon with #TyroneRasheed(portrait photographer), and one of the co-authors of GOOD IS POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE.

An Afternoon with #TyroneRasheed
(portrait photographer), and one of the co-authors of GOOD IS POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE.

Beautiful People, 

Today I was privileged to spend the afternoon at the exquisite Harlem brownstone of Tyrone and Barbara Rasheed. Married for 47 years, they are one of the most Loving couples I know.

Tyrone was busy in his studio preparing for an exhibition in 2024 and allowed me to see some of his iconic, musuem quality photos which can be purchased by collectors.  

From #HarryBelafonte with Common #ArethaFranklin and #JamesBrown at the Apollo Theater #MuhammedAli #EarthaKitt, Billy Mitchell #NancyWilson #Rihanna #GladyKnight #DionneWarwick #RubyDee #KatherineDunham #JohnLegend #Ludacris #KimoraLee #Fantasia #MayaAngelou, #HonorableCharlesRangel Ben Vereen with LeVar Burton and #LeslieUggams #RevDrCalvinButts Phyllis Stickney #LynnWhitfield #WinnieMandela etc., etc! I saw hundreds of photos but there are thousands! All I could do was Breathe Deeply and say WOW, Magnificent! 

In GOOD IS POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE former Ebony/Jet photographer Tyrone Rasheed writes in his piece OBSERVATION BABY...

"People ask me if I have a favorite photo. I don't have a favorite photo. They are all special. Gifts from God. I do remember the great Muhammed Ali bought me breakfast at Salaam's at 116th in Harlem. Aretha Franklin was beaming with joy at her birthday party. I was nervous shooting Lena Horne and she said to me "Calm down and I'll give you a kiss." I immediately calmed down and she kissed me on the cheek.    

From actors, athletes, business owners, ceos, boxers, children, elders, ministers, musicians, politicians, presidents, presidential inaugurations and schoolteachers to flowers, trees, hummingbirds and butterflies, every opportunity to use my gift is a blessing.  
I've been given this gift of photography from God. I love documenting moments in people's lives. My images of family days, birthdays, weddings, retirement parties, births, funerals and family portraits will live on forever. "

Coming 2024...

The book GOOD IS POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE is an Anthology of Hope with writings collected by Rev. Melony McGant and a profound Foreword by Ben Vereen. 

The book is edited by Andrea Christofferson and Shannon Wong with Sacred Re-Memberings (writings) by more than 100 co-authors.

GOOD IS POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE is a Testament of Love designed to remind us that All People of all ages are special and deserve to be heard and honored. This is a Legacy Project that honors not just Ms. Betty J. Tilman but everyone whose name is attached to the GOOD IS POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE book.

Mark Your Calendars for Thursday, February 22nd, 2024 for the official launch when we will be hosted by NYPL Performing Arts Lincoln Center at BRUNO AUDITORIUM Start Time is 5:30pm. 

Always, Melony 👑🦋👑
Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈

#NewBooks2024 #NYPLPerformingArts

Friday, November 10, 2023

We Are the Children of Divine Love!

We Are the Children of Divine Love!

Beautiful People, 

Take a Moment to Breathe Deeply.

We are the Children of Divine Love.  Each one of us has a gift of Light that needs to be nurtured and shared. Like a Rainbow, we are diverse in colors, cultures, perspectives and traditions.


Allow Our MotherEarthHeart to Feel Our Loving Resolve to Accept, Understand, Nurture and Share with Each Other.

Breathe In Love.  Breath Out Love.  Breathe In Love. Breath Out Love... 

Let Love be felt throughout every organ of your body, and let us open our total beings so that we become Love’s essence.

Now, let us honor the beauty of our entire sentient family including the birds, the dolphins, the horses, the lions, the elephants and all sentients across the planet.

Let us rejoice as the clouds burst with rain, and we feel the impact of monumental oceans, rivers and mountains.

Right now feel MotherEarth’s Love through flowers, fruits, vegetables, plants, trees, the sparkling sun, the glistening moon, twinkling stars, and the magical, rainbow sky.

 Let us each take time to embrace Goodness, then let us share Goodness with each other. 

We Commit to Become Responsible Stewards of the Environment of Our EarthHeart.

Right now let us learn to release any vestiges of pain, ego, hate and fear we have of one another. 

For the Children of the Next Seven Generations and Beyond...

Let us work to cure dis-ease, as well as to promote education, equality, equity, harmony, prosperity and wellbeing for All.

We acknowledge ALL as beings of Love, and strive for the best compassionate outcome in every situation.

We understand that we must end all actions of apartheid and  genocide on EarthHeart.  

As We Mourn Our Loved Ones, We Say Never Again. 

We must always reject all evil, envy, greed, hate, violence and war as an option; and move to embrace the potential and joy of a Loving, Prosperous Peace for All On Our Mother EarthHeart.


Let us open the doors to our hearts, our homes and our countries to those in need; for ALL are brothers and sisters. 

Today we walk with Integrity, Truth and commitment to a Loving Reconciliation.

We Embrace and Honor Our Ancestors, Our Elders, Our Children & Our Families.

We Offer Prayers of Care, Calm, Compassion, Courage, Deep Listening, Healing, Hope, Integrity and Love. 

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love. 

Always, Melony 👑❤️👑
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow🌈

#BreatheLove  #CeaseFireNow
#Goodness #Healing #Hope #Integrity #TruthRevealed

My Every Breath Is A Prayer. Thank YOU!

My Every Breath Is A Prayer.  Thank YOU! 

Beautiful People, 

Please Join Me in a Prayer of Hope... 

Thank You Blessed MotherFather Creator of Light, Love, Goodness, Creativity and Hope. 

I Honor You In All That Is and All That Is Not and All That Will Ever Be.

My Every Breath Is A Prayer of Humility and Gratitude for the Grace Manifesting. 

I Am Hopeful For the Voices of Truth. 

We As Humans Have Become Emmersed In a Cycle of Violence.

We Are Destroying Our World.  And I Am Saddened By Our Inability to Make Good Change.

Bombs Anahilate Whole Cities.  Our Water and Food Are Contaminated with Toxins. 

And Yet We Still Walk In A Fog of Ego, Greed and Hate.

My Every Breath Is a Prayer of Awakening.  

Be-Coming Aware, I Thank Angels, Ancestors and All Those Who Have Ascended In Grace.

Though My Heart Is Broken In a Million Pieces, I Am Working to Live Only With Forgiveness and Compassion. 

I Sit In the Stillness and See Our Good Potential. 

Help Me and All of Humanity to Live With Compassion, Love and Peace. 

Allow Me to Sing Your Melodies of Hope in These Times of Despair. 

I Believe In Goodness. I  Am Inspired By Love.

Allow Me to Join with the Billions of Like Minded Spirits So That Balance, Creativity,  Healing, Hope and Love Prosper with Integrity and Grace! 

It Is Time Only For Love!

My Every Breath Is A Prayer! 

Thank YOU! 

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 👑❤️👑
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Photo: Master Percussionist Michael Mustafa Ulmer

#CeaseFireNow #EndAllWars

#MiracleAlert! Intergenerational Nurturing is a Family Affair!

#MiracleAlert! Intergenerational Nurturing is a Family Affair!

Beautiful People, 

I've  often said that Friends Are the Fruit of Our Hearts and the Family We Choose.

Today I feel especially blessed to have had the opportunity to spend time with pyschiatrist, Eva Chernoff and Naima Renee Dobbs, a musuem educator & one of the co-authors of the upcoming book Good Is Powerful Beyond Measure.

Last night we had dinner at La Dinastia on 72nd between Broadway and Columbus in  NYC.

Eva and Naima are first cousins. I  have known their families longer than these young ladies have been on this EarthHeart.  For me they are like family.

We honored eachother's birthdays and exchanged legacy gifts. 

Our conversation was diverse and fluid.  

We discussed the importance of international travel. Our worldview changes when we interact with people from other cultures. From Brazil to the Philippines to Egypt, Senegal and Spain, etc. We laughed and shared what we learned. 

I shared that my heart was a bit heavy because my postings on Instagram were being monitored and that several people had written me words of hate due to my messages of compassion that call for a return of all hostages and a Cease Fire in Gaza. 

We all agreed that Humanity needs to stop viewing others through a lense of envy, greed and hate. 

What would happen if we wanted the good for others that we want for Ourselves? 

That question opened the door to a discussion around the importance of respecting people who are LGBTQ and Non-Binary. I had  questions about Gender identity as well as the use of them and they pronouns. 
I was introduced to the Genderbread Person to help me understand.

These two young ladies are compassionate, majestic, wise Earth Angels. They represent new generations who are spiritually aware.  They walk with healing, hope, integrity and a loving presence. 

Eva said that our conversation was like a podcast.  We all agreed that the World would be better if there were more intergenerational conversations where people really listened to eachother.  

Today I am still thinking about our wonderful dinner.   We ordered three entrees to share. The crackling boneless chicken with plantains,  chicken lo mein and garlic shrimp at La Dinastia was delicious. 

Eva and Naima, Thank you for a truly magical evening.  

YES. Through Love we are given the opportunity to practice kindness, share our knowlege and resources and develop in understanding. 

Breathing Deeply, my heart and mind seem to be aligned in a new idea for 2024... 

#MiracleAlert! Maybe a Podcast is in our future!

Believe. Breathe JOY. Live. Love. 

Always, Melony 👑❤️👑
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈


Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Daughters and Sons of Sophia...🙏🏾❤️🕊🙏🏾

Daughters and Sons of Sophia...🙏🏾❤️🕊🙏🏾

Beautiful People, 

We the Daughters and Sons of Sophia of all faiths across the EarthHeart mourn the loss of our precious Loved ones in Israel and Palestine and all places where there is war. 

Both the Bible and the Koran teach that Sophia is the female personification of Wisdom. In the Jewish Kabbalah, Sophia is the female embodiment of God. 

CesaseFireNow. Family homes,  hospital, libraries, schools,  businesses and entire communities have been destroyed in the name of justice.  In Gaza, this is retribution and revenge on the Innocent. 

We call on the Creator of ALL to show us the way.  Over and over we say #CeaseFireNOW. For Our Children and the next seven generations of Children, #CeaseFireNOW. 

We Breathe Deeply and ask that the energy of Sophia guide our words and actions. 

In this time of of collective ego, fear of the other, greed, hatred and madness...

We Breathe Deeply.  In Love.  Out Love.  In Love.  Out Love.  In Love.  Out Love.  In Love.  Out Love. .

We Continue to ReMember We Are the Daughters and Sons of Sophia. 

We Call for #CeaseFireNOW 

Through this horrific devastation, in our hearts we know that the Spirit of Sophia lives in us.

We Call for #CeaseFireNOW 

Across the EarthHeart,  May we commit to want the Good for Others that We Want for Ourselves.

 May we put down our weapons and stop the bombing, destroying and killing.

We Call for #CeaseFireNOW

We believe in the right of every woman and man to live, thrive and prosper in harmony with Love.

May we end apartheid and carry on the Loving work of creating justice, voting rights, quality education,  healthcare,  and fair housingfor All. 

For Our Children ...

May we create systems of fairness with equality, equity, equanimity, and equal opportunity as we continue to learn to live with compassion, integrity, and Wisdom. 

For Our Children and the next seven generations of Children... #CeaseFireNOW 

#CeaseFireNOW #CeaseFireNOW

A Daughter of Sophia...
Rev. Melony McGant 

#CeaseFireNOW #Israel #Gaza #FreePalestine #NoMoreWar #StopTheKillingEverywhere #WeWantPeace

Monday, October 23, 2023

It's My Birthday and So I Honor Ascended Queen Betty J Tilman #MyMotherMyQueen 👑💜👑

It's My Birthday and So I Honor 
Ascended Queen Betty J Tilman  #MyMotherMyQueen 👑💜👑

The Woman Of Courage!  

 Beautiful People,  

My MOMBetty has traveled to the Spirit Realm and now resides in  the Paradise of Eternity.

Because of her, I still dream of a Loving World of compassion, cooperation, equality, integrity with Peace and Prosperity where we can All breathe and live without fear, and the the Children of the Next Seven Generations and Beyond can also live and thrive with JOY!

She is the Woman of Courage that taught me that contrary to public opinion; We Are All Celebrities with special gifts to share.

You see, I was nurtured in the womb with compassion and birthed by a Woman of Courage on October 22, 1954, in times of Great Change. 

As a child I made mudpies filled with hope; picked blueberries with joy, learn to swim in the ocean and tried to climb trees of wisdom that offered acorns or apples. When I fell, the Woman of Courage hugged me and nurtured my cuts and bruises.

I was a wild child dancing through fields of grass and flowers, chasing butterflies in the morning and fireflies at night. 

I learned to read and traveled the World when I was a child through books. In darkness, I imagined what life would be like if I could ride on the moon and share my toys with other children in the sparkling stars. 

The Woman of Courage laughed and taught me to write stories and use my imagination. She told me I was a special gift and would help make the World better.  She taught me to Pray and say Thank You for my good life. 

 As I grew, the World kept Changing. The Woman of Courage taught me to use my voice and speak out for Justice and to Serve All with Love. 

She taught me to respect others and shared her dreams for Peace in the World.  We marched and sang and prayed that all children could be free to Grow in Love. 

Today as I honor my birth and the Spirit of My Beloved Mother, I hear her voice in my head and my heart saying #CeaseFireNOW. 

I Breathe Deeply and pray for all those hurt, lost and suffering because of the the current wars on EarthHeart. 

I Pray that We Learn to Want the Good for Others that We Want for Ourselves. 

I Am Thankful for Her, My Mother, My #AscendedQueen 
MOMBetty J. Tilman. 👑💜👑

She taught me to use my voice for justice, to walk with compassion, cooperation, integrity, respect and understanding; to listen deeply; to Help Our Collective Heal, Offer Hope, and to ReMember that Abiding Love is the law, the way of Peace with Prosperity; and the Path of Eternal Truth. 

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 👑❤️👑
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈


Saturday, October 14, 2023

"Love. Lifts. Me."

"Love. Lifts. Me." 

Beautiful People,

With humility, I take time to still myself as I release my tears of despair at the current atrocities in Israel and Gaza and all war torn areas throughout the World. 

My heart says we must stop the killing and nurture All children with Love. We must create a Safe World of Love and Peace for the many generations of children they will birth. This Is Our Legacy. 

I Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times.

In every place in my heart where I have felt disappointment, been wounded or wounded another, I offer and ask for forgiveness.

Forgiveness allows me the Gift of Healing.

Healing grants renewal and helps me to Begin Again, in the Newness of Love.

I feel the Love of the MultiVerse embrace me, and offer the Grace of Renewal.

I continue to Breathe.  Slowly I Exhale with each breath, and let go of every thought that is not Love.

I Breathe and offer Gratitude for Life.

I open my heart and feel the lessons of the butterfly, the dove, the dolphin, the phoenix, the flower, the tree, the oceans, the moon, the planets, the stars, ancient beings; and all sentient life woven in the fabric of my DNA of every lifetime.

It is like I am walking on water across many Galaxies into the clouds of Heaven. 

I am reminded that Wisdom of Love offers many lessons of Patience and Fluidity.

Love will always smooth the boulders of the inequity caused by ego, greed, hate, fear and the desire to subjugate one another.

The Peace and Prosperity that I Desire for Myself, I Desire For All Others.

Unselfish Actions of Love can resolve conflict and un-necessary wars fought by our Collective.

Love's Beginnings are beyond time and serve as an infinite Ocean of Grace that teaches Compassion, Hope, Integrity and Good Purpose.

Love is meant to flow and has no ending.

I Breathe and Exhale Deeply.

Only through Love are we offered  the Gift of Re-Birth and Renewal.

Every Good Dream Is Possible to Manifest through Consistent Effort, Deep Listening, Integrity, Patience and the Grace of Love.

I Humbly Say Thank You to the Infinite Creator of ALL.

Once Again, I Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly.

I Pray for Many Miracles of Healing and Hope. 

"Love. Lifts. Me."  

What Does Love Do For YOU?

Always, Melony 👑❤️👑
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈 

Photo:  Wearing a dress given to me by a Precious Palestinian Mother of a dear friend many years ago.  My Heart and Hands Are Praying for Equality, Equanimity and Peace. 

(In Memory of MOMBetty J. Tilman who taught me to honor All people and Ascended to the Eternal Realm at 9:15pm on June 29th, 2022.)

#BeginAgain #BeThePeace #BreatheDeeply #GoodIsPowerful #GratitudeForLife #LegacyOfLove #LoveHeals #LoveGivesHope #LoveLeads #StopTheKilling

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

PAUSE: On the Road to Redemption...

PAUSE: On the Road to Redemption...

Beautiful People, 

There have been times when I have I failed, fallen or forgotten my own greatness and capacity for joy.  

Still, because my heart was fragile and broken open, ultimately I have learned to practice facing what I have feared.

Because of this, most days I live listening; hoping to grow wiser!  

On the Road to Redemption, every day I say thank for the difficult lessons. 

Today I Breathe Slowly and Deeply; in and out many times!   

With each breath, I pray for the Redemption of Humanity.  

Ten Times I Breathe.  

In Love. Out Fear. In Love. Out Fear.
In Love. Out Fear. In Love. Out Fear.

I ask to remember to step gently, and to offer my gifts tenderly. 

I ask for personal and Collective Redemption. 

I Choose to Open My Heart and Embrace a Good Purpose for Humanity, and Our Sentient Earth Family with Love!

 Will You Join Me?

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 👑❤️👑
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love! 

#Breathe #BelieveInYOU #Gratitude #Inspiration #LettingGoOfFear #Meditation #Redemption

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

PAUSE: I Give Thanks!

PAUSE: I Give Thanks!

Beautiful People, 

Please Join Me and Give Thanks....

Clear Your Mind and Your Heart of all preconceived notions of how life and this day should be.

Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times. 

Say to Yourself...

I Give Thanks to the Master Creator for allowing me to be on this EarthHeart. 

I Give Thanks for waking up today; for the storms that have turned me and my life upside down; for the rainbows of hope and kindness shared by children, family, friends and the strangers who become friends.

I Give Thanks for the shining Sun of Love that teaches me to embrace our cultural differences with Joy, and to Honor Elders.

I Give Thanks and Remember All Those Ascended Into Eternity with Loving Respect. 

I Breathe Deeply in Gratitude for my success but also for the mistakes I have made which turned out to offer important lessons of humility, and taught me to have the Courage and Integrity to Live My Dreams. 

I Breathe and Feel the Spirit of Hope Come Alive in my body and my heart. 

I Give Thanks to All Creations of Love and Purpose,  and Honor Love and Purpose within Myself.  

For All that Is Known or Unknown...

For the Eternal Mystery and Answers Hidden and Discovered Only through Love...

I Give Thanks!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love. 

Always, Melony 👑🦋👑
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Breathe #Compassion #Courage #DeepListening #EternalMystery #IGiveThanks #Integrity #SpiritOfHope #Transformation

Friday, September 22, 2023

PAUSE: International Day of Peace 2023! With Hope, I Will Be The Peace!

PAUSE: International Day of Peace 2023! With Hope, I Will Be The Peace!

Beautiful People, 

When Hope, Patience and Gratitude saw eachother as ONE, so Compassion, Forgiveness, Gentleness, Healing, Integrity, Joy, Mercy, Trust and Tolerance were born in every heart willing to Awaken and accept Wisdom as the Eternal Gift of Spirit! 

When we allow Hope, Patience and Gratitude to Guide Us; we forge the Path of Love and Nurture Truthful, Holy Relationships; that like Flowers, Blossom Beautifully in Loving Peace with JOY! 

 Breathe Deeply Ten Times. 

In Love, Compassion and Hope. Out Love, Compassion and Hope...

Today say and walk with this Loving Thought...

"I Am a Being Committed to Living With PEACE!  With HOPE, I Will Be the PEACE!"

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 👑🦋👑
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love! 

#Breathe #Compassion #Courage #DeepListening #Gratitude #HolyRelationships #Healing #Hope #Integrity #IWillBeThePeace #InternationalDayOfPeace2023

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

PAUSE: Morning Song of Gratitude!

PAUSE: Morning Song  of Gratitude!

Beautiful People, 

Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times.  

Now Please Join Me in a Morning Song of Gratitude...

Thank You Father Sky for sharing the clouds and rain, the sun, the moon, the stars, the planets and galaxies, through which we learn the vastness of our UniVerse and the MultiVerse.

Thank You Mother EarthHeart for your nurturing Spirit and for sharing your gift of trees, plants, vegetables, flowers as well as the rivers, lakes and oceans; and for your constant re-birth.

Thank You Songbird, for teaching us the Morning Song of Hope and Praise we now sing to the Great Spirit.

We Welcome This New Day of Hope and Possibility with Hearts of Patience, Peace and Love!

Let Us ReMember that Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humilty, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of  Love!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 👑🦋👑
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈 

#Breathe #Courage #GiveThanks #Gratitude #Hope #Inspiration #NewDay  #Spirituality #ThankYOU

Friday, September 15, 2023

Melony's Wisdom Friday: Being Thankful...

Melony's Wisdom Friday:Being Thankful...

Beautiful People, 

Today, take a moment to still yourself.  Try to clear your mind and your heart. 

Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times. 

What Do You Have to Be Thankful For?

When we are Alive, we learn to be Thankful for every experience that offers us a moment to Awaken within our hearts.

I invite you to join me as I say Thank You.....

Thank You for Our Children.  May we embrace their Joy and always nurture them with Love!

Thank You for each moment of Loving Grace.

Thank You for each learning opportunity which calls for me to expand, forgive, let go, and develop in Deeper Understanding.

Thank You for each mistake which has given me New Wisdom.

Thank You for showing me true compassion in my heart and reflected by others, as I learn to meet them heart to heart.

Thank You for my tears which show me the unlimited depth of my heart, much like the Vastness of the MultiVerse.

Thank You for the Disappointment and hard lessons that allow me to re-learn that Activism, Is Essential for any Democratic Society if We the Citizens Desire Equity and Equanimity for All. 

Thank you for allowing me Deep Listening, as well as an incomprehensible space which leaves me with Joy to Share.

Thank you for the Breath of Your Loving Grace, and your constant Divine Whisperings that resides within me and All Others.

Thank you for every argument and World tantrum that calls for All of Humanity to let go of our fear, selfishness and greed.

It May Take Time but Through Our Collective, Consistent Good Efforts...

Goodness and Love Will Prevail!  Right Will Win! 

As I Awaken Within Your Heart, 
I embrace the Unknown with Courage, Hope, Infinite Faith, Good Purpose, Gratitude, Integrity and... 

Appreciation for Every Smile and Each Everyday Miracle of Life! 

No Matter What the Day May Bring, I Will ReMember in My Heart that Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

I Offer This Prayer In Gratitude for Life...

Thank You!  Thank You!  

Believe. Breathe. Live.  Love.

Always, Melony 👑❤️👑
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈 

Photo: #LeoHolder greets photographer Chester Higgins and His Beautiful Granddaughter at  prolific exhibit Opening of #Pantheon at #BruceSilversteinGallery
September 14th - October 28th, 2023

#Breathe #Courage #Gratitude #Healing #Hope #Inspiration #Integrity #Love

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Peacemaker--My 9/11 Tribute!

Peacemaker--My 9/11 Tribute! 

Beautiful People, 

You are Peacemakers mandated to create a montage of LOVE all around the EarthHeart.

What Will You Do?

What if right now you are asked
to become a vessel of the Divine Heart…

Will you set aside your hidden fears?

Can you have the courage,
integrity and propensity to share your LOVE?

If you meet someone different than you, suffering from xenophobia and they are extremely unkind because all they know is fear and hatred…

Will you show them how to be
mellifluous with LOVE for ALL people?

You Have Awakened.

You are Re-Membering your dreams of LOVE.

Intrinsic in you is the desire
to create overtures of LOVE
for our children…

And all people through education, business, government, art, music, dance, theatre and all art forms.

What Will You Do?

Every sentient being is an incarnation of LOVE.

LOVE is another name for
an Exalted Spirit with a palatial heart.

How Do You Feel?

Now, imagine yourself as a Lodestar kindling the flame of LOVE.

Your best friend is Morning Star,
also know as Venus, the planet of LOVE.

You were born with the awareness of Angels.

Together, How Do You Feel And What Will You Do???

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love. 

Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈 

Peacemaker--My 9/11 Tribute!
I first wrote and shared this poem on September 9th, 2001. 

Little did I know that 2 days later (9/11 here in NYC) and throughout the World, we would all be called to search the depth of our hearts and try to begin healing.  

The Truth Is, We Are Still Healing and Struggling with Acceptance of Others. 

Today on 9/10/2023,  I Offer Prayers of Love for Peace, Cooperation and Compassion.  Please Join Me!!

#Peacemaker #911Tribute