Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Daughters and Sons of Sophia...🙏🏾❤️🕊🙏🏾

Daughters and Sons of Sophia...🙏🏾❤️🕊🙏🏾

Beautiful People, 

We the Daughters and Sons of Sophia of all faiths across the EarthHeart mourn the loss of our precious Loved ones in Israel and Palestine and all places where there is war. 

Both the Bible and the Koran teach that Sophia is the female personification of Wisdom. In the Jewish Kabbalah, Sophia is the female embodiment of God. 

CesaseFireNow. Family homes,  hospital, libraries, schools,  businesses and entire communities have been destroyed in the name of justice.  In Gaza, this is retribution and revenge on the Innocent. 

We call on the Creator of ALL to show us the way.  Over and over we say #CeaseFireNOW. For Our Children and the next seven generations of Children, #CeaseFireNOW. 

We Breathe Deeply and ask that the energy of Sophia guide our words and actions. 

In this time of of collective ego, fear of the other, greed, hatred and madness...

We Breathe Deeply.  In Love.  Out Love.  In Love.  Out Love.  In Love.  Out Love.  In Love.  Out Love. .

We Continue to ReMember We Are the Daughters and Sons of Sophia. 

We Call for #CeaseFireNOW 

Through this horrific devastation, in our hearts we know that the Spirit of Sophia lives in us.

We Call for #CeaseFireNOW 

Across the EarthHeart,  May we commit to want the Good for Others that We Want for Ourselves.

 May we put down our weapons and stop the bombing, destroying and killing.

We Call for #CeaseFireNOW

We believe in the right of every woman and man to live, thrive and prosper in harmony with Love.

May we end apartheid and carry on the Loving work of creating justice, voting rights, quality education,  healthcare,  and fair housingfor All. 

For Our Children ...

May we create systems of fairness with equality, equity, equanimity, and equal opportunity as we continue to learn to live with compassion, integrity, and Wisdom. 

For Our Children and the next seven generations of Children... #CeaseFireNOW 

#CeaseFireNOW #CeaseFireNOW

A Daughter of Sophia...
Rev. Melony McGant 

#CeaseFireNOW #Israel #Gaza #FreePalestine #NoMoreWar #StopTheKillingEverywhere #WeWantPeace

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