Monday, September 21, 2020

Peaceful Apologies...

Peaceful Apologies...

Beautiful  People, 

Recently I questioned someone's Integrity in a phone call and they were very offended. I  told them why I felt that way and they disagreed.  I apologized for my tone of voice and questioning their intentions. 

 In ending the conversation I said 
"I don't have money but I am known for my Integrity.  As long as You Are Operating with Integrity, I'm Good."

 I Sincerely Thought All Was Resolved in a Good Way. 

Later that evening,  they unfriended  me on Facebook.  Today I received an email stating that I had been rejected from their upcoming Anthology because my writing "Required Too Much Editing". 

Lesson Learned ???  
1. Misunderstandings Can Happen.  Always try to resolve them in a Good Way.

2. Certain words act as triggers.  Be careful when using them.  

3. Being unfriended on Facebook will not physically hurt me though in my opinion was  unnecessary.  I  will let go of any attachment to that singular act and send only energy of  Loving Appreciation for the Good. 

4. I must continue to have Compassion and Wish the Best Possible Outcome in this and every situation. 

5. In Life, there may be many times that we must offer Peaceful Apologies so that we can continue Building Bridges of Compassion and Cooperation!

All that said...
If I Have Done or Said Anything That Offended You, Please Accept My Apologies! 

Like You, I Am Ever Evolving and Growing!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💖
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

#Breathe #BuildingBridges #InternationalDayOfPeace2020 #PeacefulApologies

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