Monday, August 31, 2020

Being Overwhelmed !

Being Overwhelmed!

Beautiful People, 

Have you been Overwhelmed by our collective inability to Re-Connect in Love?

I have, and it is difficult at moments, to see, feel and Breathe in Love; Honoring  Goodness.

Evil, greed, hate and selfishness has brought forth a tremendous imbalance throughout our Earth/Heart.  

Only Good Intent and Actions of Love can return the Balance.

Please re-member that as we undergo these violent arguments in our hearts, our communities and our nations...

There is a UniVersal Struggle between the forces of Loving Cooperation and Peaceful  Protest versus evil, ego, fear, hate and the need for materialist power and control that is exemplified by the 45th president of the United States. 

If we are to create a better, Sustainable World, then we must learn to re-activate our inner listening and use compassion in all negotiations ---be it family, friends, corporations, society or nations in conflict.

Our goal should be to Do No Harm and to Share Our Resources to Educate, Uplift and Inspire.

Our goal should be to learn to resolve conflict without weapons, as well as to Nurture and Open Doors of Healing and Prosperity for Eachother.

We must be committed to Do More Good!  This is the Way, the Divine Call and Truth of Love!

Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.

Tenderly open your hearts so that you are able to deeply feel, listen, live, see, commit to, and Breathe In Love!

Only Our True Compassion, a Desire for Equality For All People, and a Commitment to End to Systemic Racism Can Restore Balance and Hope on Our Earth/Heart.

It is time to elect New Leaders aligned with a Vision of Compassion, Equality, Integrity, Justice and Opportunity with Prosperity for All.  


Believe. Breathe. Live. Love. 

Always, Melony 💖
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening,  Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of  Love!

#Believe #BlackLivesMatter #Breathe #Integrity #JusticeForAll  #VOTEEVERYWHERE

Sunday, August 30, 2020

An Affirmation of Integrity and Valour !

An Affirmation of Integrity & Valour!

Beautiful People, 

In a World that sometimes appears dismal with lack of value for life and respect for Humanity.

May Love Guide Our Hearts.

For ALL who are suffering;  we offer compassion with Prayers of Healing.
Please, be kind and Loving to our elders, our children and one another! 

Every act of good purpose, integrity, kindness and valour nurtures our thoughts, words and actions and brings Hope with Good Possibility. 

Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times.  With each breath, allow your hearts to open in kindness. 

Now with Clarity,  Commit to Allow Yourself to Be a Vessel of Divine Peace.

An Affirmation of Integrity and Valour: 

"May my thoughts, words, and  actions be like a waterfall of Integrity and Valour  that flows and nurtures with good intent!  Today I Will Offer the Honey of Hope to All Whose Lives I Touch!" 

Blessed Be YOU and Your Beautiful Heart!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💖
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Affirmation #BeKindAndLoving #BlessedBeYOU #Breathe #Courage #HoneyOfHope #Integrity, #Valour

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Chadwick Boseman Thank You!

#ChadwickBoseman #EarthAngelAscended....


Thank You for Your Beautiful Heart, Your Kindness, and Your Integrity.  You Showed Us How to Live with #GoodPurpose .

We Offer Our Prayers of Love.

We Honor You,Your Wisdom, Your Life and Heavenly Ascension.

Believe. Breathe. Live Well. Love. 

Always, Melony 💖
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Friday, August 28, 2020

ASPIRE--Loving Who You Are and What You Do.

ASPIRE--Loving Who You Are and What You Do.  Bringing Dignity, Hope and Joy to the Community Too!  

Beautiful People, 

Today on the 57th Anniversary of the 1963 #MarchOnWashington in Washington, DC , We Honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and All of the Dreamer #CivilRightsFootSoldiers.   

Let Us Breathe In Love Deeply Ten Times.  

With Each Breath We Exhale  Hope and Love.

Let Us ASPIRE and Commit to Live Our Lives with Equality, Justice, Compassion, Dignity, Respect, Love for One Another and an end to envy, greed, hatred #SystemicRacism! 

We Too Can ASPIRE, Work and Live the Dream!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love. VOTE.

Always, Melony 💖
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

I Am Like A Butterfly!

I Am Like A Butterfly!

Beautiful People, 

One day, I looked into the garden of my heart and saw all my mistakes and imperfections. 

A part of the caterpillar me thought I did not deserve happiness.

I realized that I had planted seeds of unworthiness and despair in my personal garden. 

I had not learned True Compassion and Gratitude.

That day I met Mercy.  She taught me to offer forgiveness to myself, and to everyone else.

Now as my personal garden blossoms in LOVE...

 I Am Like a Butterfly Kissing the Flower with Gratitude; learning to tend the Garden of Our Collective by offering True Compassion with LovingKindness, Forgiveness with Faith, Mercy with Integrity and Patience with Hope!

Let Us All Breathe and Exhale Deeply 10 Times.

Re-Member, Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and Love with Joy!

Today, Let Us See, Feel and Honor the Unlimited Potential of LOVE that Exists in Ourselves and All Beings.

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💚
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

#Breathe #Butterfly #Caterpillar #Courage 
#DeepListening #Faith #Forgiveness #Gratitude
#MercyWithIntegrity  #MelonyMcGantAuthor

When Will Freedom Come: Remembering the 1963 March on Washington and Civil Rights Foot Soldiers As Dreamers!

When Will Freedom Come: Remembering the 1963 March on Washington and Civil Rights Foot Soldiers As Dreamers!

Beautiful People, 

There is perhaps no greater gift to society than the Dreamer.  For it is the Dreamer who believes that Good Change Is Possible.  

It is the Dreamer that looks upon a society's inequities and desires a better life for themselves, their families, their neighbors and their Nation. 

It is the Dreamer, who having awakened to the Truth that ALL people are created Equal asks How Will Freedom Come?

On August 28th in 1963, A. Phillip Randolph, Bayard Rustin, Mahalia Jackson, John Lewis, Peter, Paul and Mary, Bob Dylan,  Julian Bond, Odetta, Jackie Robinson, James Baldwin, Marlon Brando, Joan Baez, Paul Newman, Harry Belafonte, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Andrew Young,  Marian Anderson, Sammy Davis Jr., Ossie Davis, Ruby Dee, Malcolm X, Dick Gregory, Diahann Carroll, Burt Lancaster, Dr. Benjamin Mays, Roy Wilkins, Dorothy Height, Whitney Young,  and Andrew Goodman.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Clarence B. Jones, (who was MLK's personal lawyer and  the draft speech writer for the "I Have A Dream" speech).   

They were all in attendance with 250 thousand Dreamers from across America who gathered in Our Nation's Capitol to rally for jobs, the right to vote, desegregation and equality. 

Some of these Dreamers had been working in their communities, cities and states for many generations to bring about Good Change.

They knew that just attending the March on Washington was an act of rebellion but more importantly, it was an Act of Faith that could bring Change and Hope for their Children.

They were people of all nationalities, religious beliefs and colors. They were clergy,  union members, mechanics, postal workers, railroad workers, pullman porters, butlers, maids, police officers, doctors nurses, educators, college students and people from every occupation imaginable.

There were  grandparents and mothers and fathers who brought their children.  All believed that this country could only live its greatness when Equality and Equal Opportunity became the Law of the Land.

It was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who spoke and articulated the Dream that had been swelling in the hearts of many for generations and generations.

We know these 250,000 Dreamers as the Civil Rights Foot Soldiers. Though we may not know their names, today Fifty Years later, we honor the Civil Rights Foot Soldiers their lives, their hopes and their Dreams. 

And Fifty Years later, the message of equality, equity, education, fair employment, Hope and Love continues to deserve our attention; for the work of the Dreamers and Civil Rights Foot Soldiers is Far From Complete.

Freedom Will Come only when we are willing to put down our guns, open our hearts and listen deeply to Truth.

Freedom Will Come only when we Rise Up Together and decide to fix the broken Political, Economic, Educational and Social Systems of Inequity.

But Freedom Will Come!

As we remember The Civil Rights Foot Soldiers, in Our Hearts, we must continue to walk across the Nation with Hope and Strong Resolve.

Then we will hear and sing the songs that mourn the loss of Every Child of Violence and War and Racism and Poverty.  We will call for Peace and sing of Love.

Freedom Will Come when we truly Desire Equity, Education and Prosperity For ALL.

Freedom Will Come when we willingly sit at the table together in Gratitude and share our dreams, our food, our homes, our education and our wealth. 

Freedom Will Come only when we once again notice that Trees bend in reverence as Spring, Summer and Autumn Leaves dance joyfully and teach Our Children that All Humans deserve to be cared for and Loved! 

Freedom Will Come as we Re-Member that for All Our Children we must offer Hope for their Dreams and be willing to share Our Love.

Breathe Deeply In Hope. Out Love.  Again Breathe. In Hope.  Out Love.

How will you honor the Dreamer Civil Rights Foot Soldiers?  Do you remember the Dream?

What will you do today and tomorrow?

How will Freedom come with Love and decide to Live in Our Hearts and Our Nation?

First Breathe.  In Hope.  Out Love!

We Must Once Again Commit to Gather In Our Communities, Cities and States Across Our Nation.

Remembering that ALL Are Created Equally, let us sit at the table together in Gratitude and share our Dreams, our food, our homes, our education and our wealth. 

It is then for the Dreamer, that Freedom Will Come!

Always, Melony 💖

(c) Rev. Melony McGant, 2013
Written Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of The March On Washington

Thursday, August 27, 2020

YOU Are A Star of Optimism. Go Forth and Shine!


YOU Are A Star of Optimism. Go Forth and Shine!

Beautiful People, 

Every person living with Optimism shines like a Star and re-members to share the Goodness of their heart.

Breathe and Exhale Deeply Five Times.  Feel the Oxygen of Optimism enter your heart.

 Affirm Your Path.

"I will listen deeply and work to be consistent in my efforts to grow as I further develop my  gifts.  I will share the Goodness of my heart and allow the Star of Optimism to guide me!"

Again Breathe and Exhale Deeply Five Times.

You Are A Star of Optimism. Go Forth and Shine!

Believe.  Breathe. Live. Love. 

 Always, Melony 💖
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patient, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Affirmation #Breathe #Goodness #StarOfOptimism

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Miracles Alert In Harlem ! JOY Is Contagious!

Miracle Alert In Harlem...YES! JOY Is Contagious!

Beautiful People. . . 

I was walking in Harlem on a 90 degree hot, hot sunny day, not knowing that an everyday miracle was on the way.

And guess what?  From a distance, I saw a beautiful young lady sitting in a chair on the sidewalk. 

She was smiling right at me!  
I looked a little closer and what did I see?

I saw a little boy in a swimming pool.  He was laughing, splashing and playing in water with a family friend.   

I thought Oh My! What a Treat!  
It made my heart go boom, baboom, beep!

And then I got splashed with water and it felt so good.  I just laughed and laughed, because I knew I could! 

So today I remembered what I already knew.

JOY Is Contagious!  Yes It's True!  

I even wrote a poem  that doesn't rhyme but I'll share it with you. 

JOY Is Contagious! 

Even with your eyes, the tender smile that you offer to yourself and others is like a flower or tree blossoming in the Garden of Hearts. 

Beneath your facemask, your laughter is like the Holy Bell of JOY ringing through the ethers with hope; traveling across oceans, mountains, valleys and cities through the wind. 

Your smiles and laughter are a catalyst that awakens the leaves on every tree of life, and causes them to offer oxygen of JOY so that we breathe in Love with harmony. 

Today Be Kind. Offer Your Tender Smiles and Laughter. 

Breathe Deeply in Love with JOY.

Then YOU will become like a flower, a tree; or maybe feel a little like me and want help to heal many hearts!

JOY Is Contagious! 

Miss Mellie Rainbow 
aka Melony 💚

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, JOY, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of LOVE!

#BeKind #BoomBaBoomBeep #BreatheDeeplyInLove #EverydayMiraclesAreOnTheWay #HelpHealManyHearts #HolyBellOfJOY #JOYIsContagious #OfferSmilesAndLaughter

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Good Destiny: Honor the Axiom Tide!

Good Destiny: Honor the Axiom Tide!

Beautiful People,  

Breath Deeply Ten Times. 
In Truth and Love.  Out Truth and Love.  In Truth and Love... 

It is true.  People may ignore you because of where you come from, your social status or your race. 

Even your birth family may choose to close their hearts to you when you have been Baptized in Love.

Honor the Axiom Tide.  Walk In Truth Anyway.

Truth is the only way to live as a Being of Love. 

Knowing, speaking and being the Truth is how we live Our Good  Purpose. 

Everyone has a purpose and a contribution to make on this planet. 

It is something that Only You can do, or say or write in the fabric of time.

Your Good Destiny lies beyond the evil, hate, the jealous or petty. Your Good Destiny Resides In the Heart of Love.

Even when it seems like all the familiar doors have closed, Please Don't Give Up.

Again Breathe Deeply. 

In Truth and Love. Out Truth and Love...

 Honor the Axiom Tide. 
Walk With Compassion, Confidence, Courage, Good Purpose and Integrity.

Walk In Truth Anyway!

Believe.  Breathe.  Live.  Love. 

Always, Melony 💖
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose,Healing, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#BaptisedInLove #Breathe #Compassion #Courage #GoodDestiny #Gratitude 
#HonorTheAxiomTide #Inspiration #Integrity #PleaseDontGiveUp #WalkInTruth


Monday, August 24, 2020

I Give Thanks !

I Give Thanks!

Beautiful People, 

I ponder the rock of my heart that has broken a million times over, and yet still grows stronger.  Every broken piece floats through the UniVerse and MultiVerse  as Love's lesson and jewels of Undying Faith.

I Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times. 

I Give Thanks. I Give Thanks for each breath and for this journey of Life.

I Give Thanks to the Elders and Ancestors who have Loved us, nurtured us, and Ascended into the Heart of G-d, often too soon for us with broken hearts.

I Give Thanks for the Undying Faith and Courage of those who whose lives were cut short because of illness or violence and war. 

I honor their lives and pray that through Love, they have been able to find their place in Heaven Realm.

I Give Thanks for Our Continuing Collective Intention to Love, even when our hearts break in the midst of Chaos on Our Earth/Heart.

I Give Thanks for the Gifts of Mercy and Forgiveness offered through Divine Spirit that allows us to believe that the only Good Answer to Earth's Crisis is to Learn to Love One Another.

I Give Thanks for Good Possibility.  No matter how difficult, through Love we are given the Faith to extend a hand, to open our hearts, to heal, and Begin Again.

In my acceptance, even my tears become the Honey of Hope, offered humbly with Good Intention and Actions of Love.

I Breathe and Honor this New Day of Grace with Undying Faith!

I Give Thanks! 

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💜
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage,  Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Patience, Mercy, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#ActionsOfLove #BeginAgain #Believe #Breathe #Forgiveness #IGiveThanks  #GoodIntention #GoodPossibility #Gratitude #Healing #HoneyOfHope #LoveOneAnother  #Mercy  #UndyingFaith

Sunday, August 23, 2020

YOU Can Be and Live As An Alchemist by Offering the Gift of Love!

 YOU Can Be and Live As An Alchemist by Offering the Gift of Love!

Beautiful People,

Please clear your mind and open your hearts.

Breath Deeply Ten Times. 

In Love. Out Love. In Love. Out Love. In Love. Out Love..... 

Our many actions of violence and hate towards eachother are disrupting the Creator's Heart.  Listen to the whispers of the UniVerse and the cries of the winds, the mountains and oceans.We are hearing and feeling the echoes of dissonant harmonics of Mother Earth. Our greed and lack of concern for global warming causes imbalance, death and destruction.

Our MotherFatherCreator Is Calling On YOU to Commit to Be an Alchemist.  ReBirth and Transformation are possible only through a Resurgence of Love.  Only through Love can we provide safety for our Children; nurturing them and our Elders with Hope through Grace so that our Earth Garden and Hearts Blossom with Good Dreams of Equality, Integrity, Opportunity and Peace.  We must ask for, and embrace Divine Wisdom.

We must speak the Truth to each other honestly; and acknowledge our wrong actions so that there is Peaceful Reconciliation and we can move forward in Love. We Must Honor and Respect Each Other.

Through our compassionate voices and actions, we must call for an end to the many economic, social, spiritual and political injustices; as well as the end of all systemic racism, violence and war.

Today Allow Your Heart to Awaken. Please, Embrace Divine Wisdom.With your every thought and action--- Plant, and Nurture New Seeds of Healing, Hope, Compassion and Cooperation. 

It Is Through the Gift of Love that Our Good Dreams Will Blossom and Bring New Harmony in the Gardens of Our Hearts, On Earth, throughout the UniVerse and the MultiVerse. 

Again Breathe Deeply.  

In All Ways Live to Honor Our Blessed MotherFatherCreator.

In Each and Every Moment, Be and Live as an Alchemist.  Offer the Gift of Love!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💚 
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

#Alchemist #Believe #Breathe #Compassion #Cooperation  #GoodDreams #Healing #Hope #ListenDeeply  #OfferingTheGiftOfLove  #PlantNewSeeds

Saturday, August 22, 2020

A LovingKindness Meditation!


A LovingKindness Meditation! 

Beautiful People, 

Take a moment and still your mind.  

Breathe and Exhale Deeply Four Times.   With each breath,  imagine that you are opening your heart. 

Feel a rainbow of Grace and Love as it fills your heart and moves through your entire body. 

Again, Breathe and Exhale Deeply Four Times.  

What Does a Rainbow of Love and Grace Feel Like?   Sit with that feeling as you continue  to Breathe.

May we heal by offering forgiveness and mercy to ourselves and all others. 

May we honor all sentient beings.

May we seek understanding and honor all cultures as we learn to Love each other as a diverse human collective. 

May we unlease our true potential of Angelic Goodness, and allow our every act to reflect compassion, integrity, kindness, and hope. 

May our hearts stay open with ease and Grace as we decide that good, sustainable change is possible only through Love. 

May we do harm to none, use technology to assist and see All safe and happy in a World without envy, greed, hate or violence.

May we share our resources  with humility & Love so that each child and every family has clean water, healthy food, healthcare, housing, education, and good opportunity to prosper and grow in flourishing communities on Earth/Heart.

Again, Breathe and Exhale Deeply Four Times. 

In Love. Out Love. In Love...

May we walk  always with Grace, Loving thoughts and actions; as we ReMember that peace is possible only through compassion, cooperation, courage, creativity, deep listening, faith, forgiveness, good purpose, healing, hope, humility, integrity, joy, kindness, mercy, patience, respect, tenacity, understanding and the Gift of Love.

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💚
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

#Breathe #Courage #EmbraceTheMystery #Gratitude #Healing #Hope #Inspiration #Integrity #Joy 

Friday, August 21, 2020



Beautiful People,

Please Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times... 

Each day as the sun shines gently upon your face, you awaken to the joyful chirping of birds, and the soft wind blowing through the window announcing the arrival of a brand new day.

Do you give honor to the Divine?

Do you too ask to learn to open your heart and to feel more connected to our Collective Earth Family?

We have the opportunity to celebrate with renewed vigor, our desire for Equality and Peace. 

With our desire comes the opportunity to continue to develop  and nurture the Practices of Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Deep Listening, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Tenacity, Understanding and LOVE. 

We must Build Stronger Bridges of Intergenerational Cooperation. Let us look to our seniors, and ask that they share their stories of life’s mysteries of both the Hardship and JOY for we must not relive or revisit a World War. It is the 21st Century. 

Many of Us have rediscovered that our separateness, greed, hate, systemic racism and classism is but a Dangerous, Hurtful Evil.

We must open our hearts, and thoughts to World Peace.  

Let us renew our honor and Love
for those who have spent their lives working to see the Loving Chalice Of Life as always more than half full.

Each moment that we breathe, let us create more Love. Love enough to restructure the air so that every breath we take is of Love.

Let us look to our children to re-learn hope and the bliss of understanding the mystery of a flower, a blade of grass, the ancient knowledge of a tree, or a bird taking flight into the sky.  

Let us become committed to assuring that All Children and All People are nourished with food, clothing, housing, healthcare,  education, equal opportunity and Love.Because it is through Love that we heal. 

Our children can teach us how not to fear and to let go of our anger. Our children intuitively and instinctively feel only Love and Divine Oneness.

We must create an environment which nurtures these spirits we call children having a new human experience. 

Let us under and overstand that children come to this planet with their hearts open, hoping to teach us to remember to Breathe Love as they provide us with the Tools of Sacred Healing which passes from the Divine, through each Spiritchild, to Us.

These children remind us to honor Earth and all of its sentient beings Through them, more and more we extend ourselves and permeate JOY with all members of our Earth Family.

Through children, our seniors and all of us, we are reminded that by opening our hearts and learning to receive LOVE just as we extend LOVE, we become the #JOY.

As we become the JOY, and we move closer to the Divine Spirit and Creating a #Sustainable #EarthHeart.

May Each Day Be Sweeter As We Remember To Breathe Love!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love. 

Always, Melony 💖
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Thank You #HDanielMujahid for Your Support of #SUNSHINEANDOLIVIERBook

Gratitude Post! Thank You Imam H. Daniel Mujahid!

"The book SUNSHINE & OLIVIER by Melony McGant is a wonderful set of human experiences you will enjoy being a part of!  I had no idea it was going to bring such a wonderful sense of how beautiful life is... no matter how seemingly daunting the circumstances and situations may appear. I do highly recommend this book for those who love the power of reflection!"-- Mujahid. 

Imam H Daniel Mujahid,  Thank You for Your Beautiful Heart, Kind Words and Generous Support! You Make My Heart Sing 

Beautiful People,  

Thank You All for Your Support! Currently I am working on Book Two in the SUNSHINE & OLIVIER Series and Holding the Vision for These Stories on Screen.  Book Two is called "FINDING the TRUTH in the LIE" ( Fall 2021) 

Your Beautiful Hearts and Generous Support Means So Very Much to Me. 💜

Special Thanks to All Those Who Have Already Done Reviews and Shared Photos.

May Many New Blessings and Miracles Continue to Manifest for Us All!

Live & Love...

Always, Melony 💜 
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Perfect for #Read2020
#Amazon #BookClubs
#SUNSHINEANDOLIVIERBook, #AfricanAmerican, #NativeAmerican ,#PastLives, #YoungAdultFictionBook, #MelonyMcGantAuthor, #HDanielMujahid,