Friday, April 2, 2021

AngelBird: Dr. Vernell Audrey Watson Lillie by Rev. Melony McGant

AngelBird: Dr. Vernell Audrey Watson Lillie
by Rev. Melony McGant

Take a Moment and BREATHE....
 Every day of her life Dr. Lillie worked for NEVER Again. Never Again would WE be marginalized as artists or human beings.    

Her Purpose in life was to uplift others and help them believe that they could heal, work and succeed by developing their genius and gifts.  She dedicated her life to nurturing excellence in each and every one of us.  One of her legacies is  KUNTU Theatre but there is so much more; so many more lives she impacted in a great way.  It is our turn now. 

My Mom Betty J. Tilman and Dr. Lillie were Sisters in Spirit. For Us, She Was FAMILY. One day MOMBetty said to me "You know Vernell flew into peoples minds and hearts.  She was like an Angel. But sometimes they just didn't know it, or refused to believe it."  

And in fact She was. Dr. Vernell Audrey Watson Lillie was a like an  AngelBird sent from the Heaven Realm who imparted lessons of courage, mercy, hope and intervention through her acts of compassion, kindness and Love, not just in the United States but across the World's continents. 

She was a Bluebird, singing a song of honesty and truth to help us step into harmony.

She was a Cardinal, teaching us to embrace the mystery of life, so we could learn to listen deeply and see when the path wasn't clear.  
She was a Crow calling for good change and transformation, so that there would be equality and opportunity for  many generations of the children Our Ancestors on Earth today. 

She was the Eagle with relentless courageand drive.

She was a Falcon, teaching us our history of longevity, nobility and victory.

She was the Hummingbird, who felt monumental joy at our every success.

She was the Nightingale, who held our secrets, wept with us, and helped us heal through the gift of her hope.

She was the Owl, always imparting wisdom though sometimes we wouldn't listen.

She was the Peacock, demanding that we shine with our brilliance and beauty.

She was the Sparrow, imparting lessons of creativity and diligence.

She was the Swan, asking us for purity and excellence.

She Lives In Us. Feel Her with Love. Honor Her with your joy and sorrow. Remember Her with your tears and laughter.  Let us Cherish Her in our hearts.

She, the Angel Phoenix that often taught us to rise from the ashes of disappointment into Greatness, again and again... 

She, the Magnificent EarthAngelQueen, often thought of as the Mother of Black Theatre in Pittsburgh and beyond...

Decided on May 11th, 2020, the Morning of her 89th Birthday, to Spread Her Wings, Rise, and Return to the Heaven Realm where she was welcomed with Jubilation. 

We Celebrate You, Dr. Vernell Audrey Watson Lillie. We Cherish Your Legacy and Will Never Forget the Many Birds of Greatness and Love, that Through You;  Live In Each of Us!


Dr. Vernell A. Lillie, Professor Emeritus, University of Pittsburgh and Founder of the KUNTU Repertory Theatre (one of the longest running Black Theater companies in the United States) is a member of the prestigious HISTORYMAKERS.  She has received numerous awards for her creative acumen, commitment to students, the community and work in higher education, theatre arts and psychodrama nationally and internationally.  

Dr. Lillie holds the Lifetime Achievement Award from The National Black Theatre Festival, the Career Excellence Award from the National Black Theatre Network, and the 2003 Career Achievement Award from the Association for Theatre In Higher Education.  

Dr. Vernell A. Lillie is considered an "Arts and Education Treasure".  She holds a doctorate and Masters of Arts Degree in English from Carnegie Mellon University, a B.A. Degree in Speech and Drama from Dillard University, completed graduate studies in Education and English at Texas Southern University and has an honorary doctorate from Seton Hill University.

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