Sunday, May 31, 2020

A Prayer For Humanity: A Breathing Meditation for Healing and Hope!

A Prayer For Humanity: A Breathing Meditation for Healing and Hope!

Beautiful People,

May the Blessings of Love be with All People and Our Sentient Family on Earth/Heart.

May we as humans honor every living thing, and see the magnificent elements and creations of Our Blessed Divine ONE working together for Good.

May We All Awaken from the nightmare of envy, greed, hate and disdain for eachother.

May we no longer live in fear, or desire power to control and subjugate those who are different.

May we work to create bridges of understanding and equity with Peace in our hearts, our communities, our nations and our Earth/Heart.

May we be models of Love for Our Children so that they feel at ease walking as #BeingsOfLight.

Let Us Breathe and Exhale 10 Times.   In Love.  Out Love...

Now Allowing Our Heart Chakra to Expand, We Say:

I Am a Lighted Being of Love.  
I See, Reflect and Share Love with ALL Around Me.  

We Are Lighted Beings of Love.  We See, Reflect and Share Love with ALL Around Us.

Today We Pray that #Grace will move through us so that our hearts are filled with #compassion and #kindness.

If I or you have offended anyone, let us ask to be forgiven. And let us offer forgiveness for those painful memories caused to us by others.

Because We Are ONE In Love; Integrity and Patience become a Singular Thought.

Because I Am, and You Are Lighted Beings of Love, We See, Reflect and #ShareLove with All Around Us.

We Walk the Path of Hope and discover Joy in every moment as we breathe.

I Am, and You Are Human.  We are learning and becoming; opening to Divine Understanding and Honoring the Good Potential of All.

We Believe that Peace and Prosperity Are Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Deep Listening, Good Effort, Forgiveness, Healing, Humility, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Sincerity, Strong Purpose, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

I Am a Lighted Being of Love.  
I See, Reflect and Share Love with ALL Around Me.  

We Are Lighted Beings of Love.  We See, Reflect and Share Love with ALL Around Us.

This is Our #Prayer, Our #Hope, Our #Dream and Our #Reality Throughout #EveryUniVerse.

Always, Melony 💜
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

(Artist of beautiful artwork is Unknown)

Saturday, May 30, 2020


An Important Action Request from MOMBetty J. Tilman

Beautiful People, 

As we Breathe Deeply and try to process this #AMERICANRECKONING;

Now more than ever We Need to Come Together for Good.

Jerry Dickinson, Candidate for the 18th Congressional District in Pennsylvania is running against an incumbent who has gotten comfortable and is at best lukewarm on dismantling systemic racism.

We need a country that is inclusive of all it's citizens, a country that offers equity and hope for future generations.  We need leaders who listen and value constituents.

#JerryDickinson represents the Good Change We Need not just in Pittsburgh, PA but Across America.  

Even in the Coronavirus Pandemic, My MOMBetty J. Tilman is at home making phone calls asking people to support this young man of Integrity who represents the Hope of Our Hearts. Former NAACP President #BenJealous has come out in support of Jerry.  

Will YOU?  No matter where you live, we are asking that you please join us.  

Make a financial contribution if you are able.  Call friends, national media, political operatives and leaders of organizations.  Recommend that they support #JerryDickinsonForCongress and no matter what happens in the PA Primary Election, let's encourage Jerry Dickinson and make sure he has the support he needs to BE ON the BALLOT for the November General Election.   

Collectively With Our Votes, Volunteers and Financial Support Jerry Dickinson Can Be the Next Congressman from Pennsylvania. 

The Andrew Goodman Foundation, a bipartisan organization that I support constantly provides and nurtures youth education and leadership on #VotingRight through their #VoteEverywhere Program on college campuses across the United States. 

As We Mourn the Loss of #JamesChaney #AndrewGoodman #MichaelSchwerner #GeorgeFloyd and so many, many others over hundreds of years, we have the opportunity  to take Actions Steps for Equity, Hope and Good Opportunity for Future Generations. 

That is why on behalf of My MOMBetty J.  Tilman, I am asking YOU to Please Join Us and Support #JerryDickinsonForCongress. 

Photo Collage: Please Forgive Me. Photos Used Without Permission.

Always,  Rev. Melony McGant

Miracle Alert! Grateful for the Unexpected Kindness that Constantly Manifests.

Miracle Alert! 

Beautiful People, 

I am always grateful for the unexpected kindness that constantly manifests.   

Yesterday dressed simply in black and then decided to put on a yellow vintage jacket given to me by Joe James.  I took the bus from Harlem to the Post Office at West 68th and Columbus in NYC. 

Before I went in, I stopped at #FruitGuyNewYork to say hello. 

Then I went into the Post Office and was surprised by several beautiful notes of compassion and gratitude. 
There was also a package from Orisanmi Kehinde Odesanya.  In it were two Exquisite Face Masks and a Reversible Shaw. 

 I was so enthralled with the beauty that I immediately put them on and went to purchase fruit for myself and my neighbors. 

"Oh My! Oh My! How Wonderful" said the Fruit Guy! My sentiments exactly!  

Orisanmi Kehinde lives in Cleveland, Ohio and is a celebrated, award winning folk artist that has been making masks and using her profits to make more masks and send supplies to the Navajo Nation!   

Special Thank Yous for Your Precious Love Offerings... 
Bernice Canadate at the Post Office, Orisanmi, the #FruitGuyNewYork, Sylvia Golbin Goodman,  My MOMBetty, Delores Southers, Dr. Glory Van Scott, Joe James, Deborah Ballard, Dr. Khadeeja Al Ghozee, my Senegalese neighbors Kewe, Max, their precious sons who constantly share & help me and a several other unnamed #EarthAngels including those that support MOMBetty with her latest volunteer projects!

With Loving Appreciation to You All;  I Sincerely Thank You for Blessing Me!

Always, Melony 💖
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Expansive Right Actions...#JamesBaldwin #Common #GeorgeFloyd

Expansive Right Actions...

Beautiful People, 

When Evil, Greed and Hate permeate Society, there is little time to sit on the sidelines and ponder the outcome of the wrong actions of others. 

Writer, Civil Rights Activist, Master Teacher and Visionary James Baldwin once said...

" Not Everything That Is Face Can Be Changed But, Nothing Can Be Changed Until It Is Faced."

In Truth, We Have Time Only to Align Our Hearts with Love. 

Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.

Breathe In Truth with Love and a Desire for Equity and Fairness for ALL People.  

With Courage,  Breathe Out any Fear of the Other that lives in Your Heart.

Tell Hate he is not welcomed in the Compassionate Home of Love! 

Stand up to Evil and Greed.  Say No More! 

Today,  Channel Your Anger and Use Your Voice for Good!  As actor/social activist Common says #LETLOVEBETHELASTWORD !

#LetLoveLead moment to moment with Equity, Kindness, Truth with Expansive Right Actions that Heal and Bring New Hope to Humanity!

Re-Member, Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Equity, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Always, Melony 🌍
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊


Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Last Stand of Tyrants! #ThankYOU #NYGovCuomo #GoodnessWins #LoveWins

The Last Stand of Tyrants!
#ThankYOU #NYGovCuomo
#GoodnessWins #LoveWins

Beautiful People, 

For all that we are, have, hope to be or hope to achieve, let us give thanks to Our Blessed Creator of Every UniVerse.  For it Is through Our Blessed Creator that we are given Good Potential and Love for All!

Breathe Deeply Ten Times.  
In Love.  Out Good Potential with actions of Unselfish Love...

May we live this day, and every day growing in awareness; and walk as beings of compassionate appreciation and understanding.   

May we Honor our Elders with unconditional Love; for they have shown us the way, and held the space for our Awakening. They are our important  Teachers. 

Let us also thank each remarkable being that shares strength, courage, and joy or teaches us lessons that help us grow in Love. There are many heroines and heroes among us!

Even as these times on Earth reveal a schism of greed, hate and selfishness; there is a mass Awakening of sentient beings expressing their true Loving selves.  Miracles lay strewn in every path we walk; bringing us new gifts. 

Unfortunately this is also a time of intense agony for many of us dealing with life in this time of the #CoronavirusPandemic; as well as others suffering in the mire of fear and disconnected from Divine Spirit. 

Tyrants around the World will  continue to try to assert their ungodly will as they take their last stand. 

Still everywhere we can feel the ecstasy of Earth Angels awakening and  soaring with the Spirit of Compassion and Love.

Though many are  experiencing the most dire of circumstances, our Children will continue to act  as Beacons of Light. Nurture and pay attention to the children. They bring us hope and Loving wonder. Through the innocence of our children, we are often inspired with new Faith. 

Every day, small seeds of wisdom are given to us through our  willingness to accept Divine Grace. We have new opportunity every day to grow in  awareness, respect, and Love for eachother.

Again, Breathe Deeply.  In Love.  Out Good Potential with actions of Unselfish Love.

Today please re-member that  Love is a verb, an action word. It can also be an adjective or a noun. 

As each one of us becomes Love, we also become a heroine or hero.  Together as we blossom, we will flourish and multiply in goodness. 

And through Goodness, Heaven On Earth will be restored. This is the word of LOVE!

Always, Melony 💖
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

On Being Lovable...

On Being Lovable...

Beautiful People, 

Today clear your mind and open your heart.  Breathe and Exhale Deeply with Love 10 Times. 

Now Consider this Truth...
To Know Love, We Must Believe We Are Lovable! 

When we have the courage to allow ourselves the gift of having courage and hope even in moments where we feel fragile and broken, we grow in understanding and blossom in Love.

The Love we feel for ourselves becomes a Gift we are able to see, honor and respect in others! 

When we know, honor and share Love, we blossom through every Season of Life! 

In the Garden of Life, a Lovable Me Sees, Honors and Respects a Lovable You!

Live & Love...

Always, Melony💖 
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊 

Peace is Possible through #Compassion #Cooperation, #Courage #Creativity #DeepListening #Faith #Forgiveness #GoodPurpose #Healing  #Hope #Humilty #Integrity #Joy #Kindness #Mercy #Patience #Respect #Understanding and the #GiftOfLove!

#BeingLovable #Breathe #Inspiration  #MelonyMcGantAuthor

The Leader You Follow...

The Leader You Follow... 

Beautiful People, 

Today still yourself,  clear your mind and open your heart. 

Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times... 

On the Path of Your True Destiny, the Leader you have been searching for is the One that resides within YOU!

You cannot always follow others and expect to discover your true destiny. 

There will be guides, mentors and people you admire or respect.  Don't become them.  Become YOU.

Inspiration and suggestions may be offered but you alone must be listening deeply to Your Inner Voice.

You alone must become more aware and willing to grow.

 You must do the work as you decide to take the next good steps on your path.  

Look to your heart. Listen Deeply. 

With courage, compassion, gratitude, humility, integrity and Love; be patience and tender with yourself and others. 

Believe In You and Embrace Your True Destiny.

Then, YOU Will Become the Leader You Follow on the Path of Your Good Destiny!

Live &  Love...

Always, Melony 💖
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Breathe #BelieveInYOU #Gratitude #Inspiration

Monday, May 25, 2020

Open the Door for Love!

Open the Door for Love!

Beautiful People,

Take a Moment to Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times. 

Breathe in Love.  Exhale Love.
Breathe in Love.  Exhale Love....

In the still of the night; at dawn and throughout the day; into dusk and evening...Ancestors and Angels are speaking to us.

 Always we are being asked to have Courage and Open the Door for Love. 

Love is ever-present in the whispers of the wind and even the harsh storms. 

Love calls to us with mercy and asks only that we acknowledge its fruitful presence in our lives. 

So Many Are Not Listening. 
Yes, envy, evil, fear, greed and hate has unfortunately, become a stronghold for many.

Still the voices and songs of Love travel throughout the ethers of time and offers Healing and Hope to those who are willing to listen and feel deeply. 

Today Is a Day for Simple Miracles of Hope and Compassion. 

Awaken!  Say Thank You and Open the Door for Love. 

Today Accept, Nurture and Share the Fruit of Love!

Always, Melony 💖
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Mercy, Patience, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love with Joy!

Thank You Byron C. Saunders for Sharing the Beautiful Angel Portrait.

#Ancestors #Angels #Awakening #Breathe #Courage  #Faith #Gratitude #Healing #Hope #Inspiration #ListenAndFeelDeeply  #OpenTheDoorForLove

Sunday, May 24, 2020

For Every Soul Spirit...

For Every Soul Spirit...

Beautiful People,

Today, clear your minds and your hearts.

Think and Feel Only Love.

Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times...

In Love. Out Love. In Love. Out Love. 
In Love. Out Love. In Love. Out Love....

Though some of YOU
try not to think of US
or feel Our Energy...

Like an arrow, the very thought
of Potential Oneness
always creates a bulls eye of Love
in Our OneHeart;

Much like thousands of eons ago
when the Multi-Verse was being created...

And All were Spirits of Light
learning to Love.

So many Spirits came separately to Earth and sometimes 
were Seduced by the Power of Darkness.

Some found each other as Warriors from different lands;
vowing to conquer;
forgetting memory of a Divine Purpose.

Each time you partially Awakened throughout the ages of Time;

From the Stars and Heavens,
throughout every known or
unknown Galaxy...

We Called for You.
We Sang and Danced for You.
We Prayed for You.

Was there ever a Right Time?

You have lost us; and found us
again and again---lifetime after lifetime.

Still so many were caught up
in cycles of mire and material illusion.

Some of you grew to doubt our sincerity, and looked 
everywhere but Within for the purity of your hearts...

Which once you gave freely,
and now, do not admit to Re-Membering.

We Are Forever ONE,
fully Awakened and Re-Born
in the Creator's Love.

We Are Forever ONE,
bound only by Heaven.

We offer our courage, devotion,
humility, and compassion.

We imagine that ALL honor
the Melody of Eternity
and dance the Soul's Dance.

Do you know that the Memory
of Divine Essence lives in you still?

One Day we will meet again,
with respect for All Loving Creations...

Without the need for hate, envy, fear or greed.

And in your Loving Innocence...

All Will Re-Member the Creator's Song!

Until then, We Thank ALL
Who Have Awakened.

We Ask Each of You
to Have the Courage,
and to live always with
Grace & Divine Purpose.

We will continue to send the
Healing Vibrations of Lights
filled with Compassion, Hope,
Integrity, Faith and Love.

Re-Member, We Are ONE
Only In LOVE!

Ashe! Namaste! Ubuntu!

Live and Love...

Always, Melony💖
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Angels #Awakening #Breathe #PastLife

I Believe In YOU! 🎼🎵🎶🎵💖

Believe In YOU! 🎼🎵🎶🎵💖

Beautiful People, 

Breathe Deeply  and Exhale Slowly Six Times.

Listen to the Voice that Says...
"I Believe In You!" 

“I Believe In You!” is both a whisper and a roar that awakens and inspires us to live with Integrity. 

“I Believe In You!”.  It is the Sun, the Moon and the Stars in Unity and Love together with the dolphins and whales 
and all the magnificent fish in the Ocean.   

"I Believe In You!".   It is the Lullaby of Hope that Ancestors, Grandparents, Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Friends and Community Should Sing to Children. 

I Believe In You!".   It is GRACE in Symphony singing the Love Song of the MultiVerse. 

Now Breathe and Exhale Deeply Four Times. 

Will You Sing Too? 
🎼🎵🎶🎵💖 I Believe In YOU!
I Believe In YOU! 
I Believe In YOU! I Believe In YOU! 

Live & Love...

Miss Mellie Rainbow🎊
aka Melony 🌍

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Ancestors #Breathe #Compassion #Courage #Grace #IBelieveInYOU #LoveSong #MelonyMcGantAuthor #Paris #SymphonyOfLove

Please Join Me in Wishing Our Muslim Earth Family and Friends Eid Mubarak!


Beautiful People,

Please Join Me in Wishing Our Muslim Earth Family and Friends Eid Mubara !

May we all come together in Appreciation, Cooperation and Healing with Hope, Integrity and Love!

May we move tenderly forward in Truth and Call for Equity and Opportunity for All People!

Live & Love ...

Always, Melony 🌍
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊