On the Road to Redemption; We Can Invoke Divine Spirit...
Beautiful People,
There have been times when I have I failed, fallen or forgotten my own greatness and capacity for Joy.
Still, because my heart was fragile and broken open, ultimately I have learned to practice facing what I have feared.
How Do I Practice? By Invoking Divine Spirit.
Most days I live trying to listen deeply; hoping to grow wiser!
On the Road to Redemption, every day I say thank you for the difficult lessons.
Today I Breathe Slowly and Deeply; in and out many times!
With each breath, I practice Invoking Divine Spirit and Offer Prayers for the Redemption of Humanity.
I ask to remember to step gently, and to offer my gifts tenderly.
I ask for personal and Collective Redemption.
I choose to open my heart and Embrace a Good Purpose for Humanity, and Our Sentient Earth Family with Love!
Will You Join Me?
Live & Love...
Always, Melony 💜
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊
Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!
#ChesterHiggins for The Schomburg Center for Research In Black Culture.
#Breathe #Believe #BlackLivesMatter #EmbracingGoodPurpose
#FacingFear #Gratitude
#Inspiration #InvokingDivineSpirit
#ListenDeeply #OfferingPrayers #PersonalAndCollectiveRedemption