Saturday, October 30, 2010

Patiently Waiting


For more time than we can imagine
GOD has said...

"I will wait for you,
even while many of you dis-regard
each moment of grace
and move with selfish intent."

Few have heard
but GOD still speaks...

"I will wait for you
through your time of greed;
your wars and your petty arguments."

And as we have
begun to listen
the Few have become More...

Many of us now
hear the call,

the Divine Whisper...

"I will wait,

for I know that
beyond your fear
and need for separateness,
there is only LOVE."

And GOD's Hope remains,
for even in the darkness
of the night,
Stars Light the Universe.

Are you listening?

Are you a Star?

This is the Word of LOVE!

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