Monday, December 6, 2010

Giving More to the Rich is a DinosauricThought


At some point, we must all travel
through the wilderness of our own mind
to discover what holds us in fear.

Some of us might be horrified
by the vestiges of dinosauric thoughts
that prevent us from moving forward
in love and a willingness
to support those in need.

Is it right to give the wealthy
in America more
by continuing the Bush- era
tax cuts for the rich
just so those unemployed
can have extended benefits?

What do you think?
How can we really move forward in love?

How do we create more jobs
and support those in need?

Where is our morality?

We must let go of these dinosauric thoughts.

Is it right to reward the rich
while others suffer?

We do support you Mr. President.

Please don't give more to the rich.

Help us keep our hope and integrity!

Folks, today call your senator,
your congressperson and the White House.

Let Your Voice Be Heard!

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