Monday, August 13, 2012

YOU Are LOVED! Have Faith; Wake UP!!!!

You Are LOVED!!!!

Today, I Breathe gratefully as Song Birds in Flowered Trees sing "You are Loved". I Breathe Deeply in Gratitude and know that is the Soul Message. I Am LOVED. I Breathe In Love and embrace the power of the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, the Oceans, the Mountains and All Sentient Beings which help encourage and inspire me to dream of a Prosperous Peace; and believe in the Power of Love. Today I embrace the Wisdom imprinted in the fruit and on the leaves of trees with Joy. I honor All Living Things as Gifts of the Creator. I allow the Grace of Nature to move through me as Kindness, Patience and Peace! I Breathe Deeply, Re-membering that I Am LOVED.



When we lost Hope and tried to forbid Faith to live in our hearts; the story of our Lives became too painful to examine. Trust was gone. As I cried and cried, one very dark night, Courage and Strength came quietly with Compassion and Hope. We walked together through the woods of disappointment, and discovered Forgiveness as a Child of Love hidden in the magical chambers of my heart. She called herself Faith. She and Trust opened the door to My Good Destiny of Honoring Love!

*****Sing, Dance, SHINE

Beloved Si-STARS and Bro-STARS,

Come Forth and Shine! Show Yourselves so that even in the darkness of greed and corruption, there will be support for the ones that are innocence and born only to LOVE. You are being given the opportunity to Serve the Master Creator! Breathe Deeply and Say Thank YOU! Now, feel yourself wrapped in the luminosity of Rainbows. BREATHE. Re-Member! All that is GOOD Is Born in the Breath of LOVE! BREATHE DEEPLY. Beloved Si-STARS and Bro-STARS, It is Time to Sing the Holy Song of LOVE! Go Forth. Sing. Dance and Shine!

*******Prosperous Mountains of HOPE


Beyond the politics of corporations, governments, religions and who's who in the social hierarchy of communities, you will discover prosperous mountains of Hope; hidden in every heart; but sometimes forgotten by people who live in fear. Courage, Mercy, Truth and Respect live in these mountains-- with the desire only to be of service, and to build a World of Love. For those seeking Peace, they offer the Wisdom of Collective Ancestors. For those who are sick, they show compassion and offer loving care. For those who are sad, angry, or needing forgiveness, they listen and offer unconditional Love. Love is like honey, it always helps to heal. I am like an innocent child always believing that Prosperous Mountains of Hope lie hidden in every heart seeking to build a World of Love!

WAKE UP Beloveds,

On days when the World seems like a bad dream, Wake Up and offer prayers in Gratitude and Love. There is no time to engage evil and think fearful thoughts. Breathe Deeply and re-connect to Good. Today, let your every deed be like a smile of joy that offers encouragement, compassion and hope. Allow kindness and love to become the Grace that fills your heart and helps bring healing to Our World! Wake Up! Live a Good Dream!

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