Friday, February 16, 2018

Re-Membering Every Victim of Gun Violence; I Say Many Prayers!

Re-Membering Every Victim of Gun Violence; I Say Many Prayers! 

Beautiful People, 

I sit quietly in Contemplation.  

I Breathe in with Hope.   With each breath I Exhale my desire to live in Peace. 

 Deeply I Breathe  Six Times.  In Hope and Respect for Humanity. Out Wisdom and a Desire to live in Peace. 

My heart fills with Good Potential.   
Each Breath Becomes a Prayer I Offer.  

May we find a way to put down our weapons, let go of our greed, release our fear or hatred and listen to each other with care, compassion, empathy, and respect.  

May Love cause us to Awaken in Peace and offer our hands in friendship.  

May we honor our cultural differences and embrace the idea that we are more alike than different. 

We All Need the Oxygen In the Air to Breathe. 

When we cut eachother with words or harm eachother with guns, bombs, drones or violent actions, We All Discover Pain and Suffering. 

We All Share this Planet.  May we be wise enough to understand the value and Loving Potential of our lives. 

May we want the Good for others that we want for ourselves.  May we Share Our Resources to with those in need. 

May we Nurture and Educate Our Children with Good Dreams and Peaceful Hearts of Love. 

My heart fills with Good Potential.  

Each Breath Becomes a Prayer I Offer.  

I Breathe Deeply and Say Many Prayers.   

In Hope and Respect for Humanity. Out Wisdom and a Desire to live in Peace.

Please Join Me!

Always, Melony 

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

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