Saturday, April 28, 2018

A Reflection on Bill Cosby

A Reflection on Bill Cosby 

Beautiful People, 

And as I watch and listen to so many of us Celebrate the Demise of Bill Cosby, I Am Saddened.  His actions of course Were Wrong.

Quiet as it's kept, so many men in power did the same thing. As a Society We Accepted It.  

Now so many are focusing on his sickness for it is a Sickness that Has Long Flourished in many forms throughout the United States and other parts of the World throughout Time. 

I have in my life learned to forgive horrible things that happened to me at a young age and to know that no matter what happens, we all get to heal, grow and prosper. 

In this Time of Duality...
I pray that we all remember our frailty, our failures and mistakes.

And in doing so, Remember the generous Dr. Bill Cosby who has helped so many achieve their goals and contributed financially when few others would.  

This Is My Hope and My Prayer!

 And So It Is With Love!

Always, Melony

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