Monday, July 23, 2012

Live and Teach!!!!


Our Society of Greed and our Quest for Materialism is teaching Our Children that life has no value other to destroy all that is humble, peaceful and Good.  Today, we become remorseful only when the hurt caused by our collective lack of respect and hate directly affects us as a Nation.  

Remember, Pain is Pain. Suffering is Suffering.  Any Violent Thought or Action can only bring more pain and suffering. It will never bring Peace.  Peace comes only through allowing the pain and suffering to move through your heart and discovering that Forgiveness lives within YOU. 

We must not hide from the horrors, we must Face the Shame of a Misguided Nation!    If we are to have anything left of a World of Beauty to offer Our Children, then Moving Forward, All of Us Must Let Go of Our Greedy Desires and Stop Chasing the Thrill of Destruction.  

We must Live and Teach that there is Honor and True Value in creating safety and respect in a world that offers equity, compassion, humility, mercy and hope.  We must begin to live together with Unselfish Love in Our Hearts! 

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