Thursday, May 21, 2015

I Am Like the Bamboo!


I sit in gratitude and marvel at the details of Creation.  What makes a Bamboo shoot grow in water and in soil?  How is it that its roots are flexible while the shoot is firm and learns to bend and wind? 

I Breathe Deeply Four Times.  In Flexibility and Care.  Out Patience and Compassion.  In Flexibility and Care.  Out Patience and Compassion. In Flexibility and Care.  Out Patience and Compassion.  In Flexibility and Care.  Out Patience and Compassion.

I am like the Bamboo.  I believe that  roots of Love can grow in many places.  We embrace life's difficulties and joy with compassion.  We sprout new leaves that blossom in beauty and grow with patience.

  Again, I Breathe Deeply Four Times.  In Flexibility and Care.  Out Patience and Compassion.  In Flexibility and Care.  Out Patience and Compassion. In Flexibility and Care.  Out Patience and Compassion.  In Flexibility and Care.  Out Patience and Compassion.

Today,  I am like the Bamboo.  Flexibility, patience and compassion are the roots of Love that can grow in my heart so they can be shared and blossom in many places.  I Am Like the Bamboo!

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