Friday, September 11, 2015

Sing Melodies of Hope and Live In the Rhythm of Love!


Sing Melodies of Hope and Live the Rhythm of Love!

When others have forgotten the Rhythm of Love, it takes Courage to Live in Divine Truth.

All around us there are those who fear embracing Oneness.

Still by being gentle, genuine and generous, we are able to create the Melodies of Hope.

Today Breathe Deeply Six Times.

Breathe In Courage and Love. Exhale Courage and Love. In Courage and Love. Out Courage and Love. In Courage and Love. Out Courage and Love. In Courage and Love. Out Courage and Love.

 Re-member that You are Supported and Loved. Follow the Universal Conductor within your heart.

Let the melody of your life be gentle, genuine, generous, and filled with Grace.

Again Breathe in Courage and Love. Exhale Courage and Love.

Re-Member, You Have the Courage to Create Harmonious Melodies of Hope.

 Today, Breathe, Walk, Sing, Dance, Share and Live the Divine Truth in the Rhythm of Love!

 Always, Melony
Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Forgiveness, Kindness, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Respect, Understanding and Love!

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