Thursday, December 31, 2015

Celebrating Kwanzaa Day 6---Let Us Honor and Embrace KUUMBA--a Swahili term that allows us to Nurture Creative, Cooperative Love!

Happy New Year!   
 Celebrating Kwanzaa Day 6--- Let Us Honor and Embrace KUUMBA--a Swahili term that allows us to Nurture Creative, Cooperative Love!


In Gratitude for the privilege of life, let us give thanks to the Omnipotent, Masterful, Generous Creator of Every Uni-Verse! 
Honoring the Beauty and Magnificence of Our Earth/Heart, Breathe Deeply In and Out 10 times.

Breathing with Patience, we clear our minds of old fears and past failures. Gratefully Accept Lessons Learned.

Today Let Us Honor and Embrace KUUMBA--a Swahili term that allows us to Nurture Creative, Cooperative Love!

Cultural Enrichment Is a Gift that We Can All Use to Help Us to Be Better People, Promote Good Change in Our Society and Become Agents of Peace through Our Thoughts and Actions. 
Expressions in various art forms, be it dance, music, drawing, painting, sculpture, theatre, writing or even sports are educational forms of creative play that can forge a path to compassion, good critical thinking, healing, integrity, responsibility, teamwork and social activism. This Is KUUMBA, which means Creative, Cooperative Love. 
Through Our Good Actions, Thoughts and Visions, We Embrace Humanity's Potential to Walk with Grace and Wisdom through Love.

Again Breathe and Exhale Deeply. Embrace and Honor the Creativity, the Power, the Wisdom, and Collective Wealth Present on Our Earth-Heart.

For Our Ancestors, Our Elders, Our Families, Our Communities, Our Nations and Every Child We Know and Those Yet to Be Born...

May We All Embrace and Support Artistic & Social Activism.

May We Live Our Good Purpose with Balance and Creativity So that We Create Strong Educational, Economic Foundations.

May We Become Good Responsible, Creative, Cooperative Stewards of Love and Prosperity To Share!

Ubuntu! I AM Because You Are!
Umoja! Unity!
Kujichagulia! Self-Determination!
Ujima! Collective Work and Responsibility!
Ujamaa! Cooperative Economics!
NIA! Balance Is Purpose!

Kuumba! Nurture Creative, Cooperative Love!

We Re-Member...Peace is Possible through Compassion, Forgiveness, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Respect, Understanding and--- The Grace of Love!

Wishing You All a Creative, Happy, Healthy, Prosperous New Year 2016! 
Always, Melony


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