Sunday, November 4, 2012

Let Us Build Better

Radiant Hearts--
Fierce Hurricane Winds have caused Ancient Trees to fall and become mangled with electrical wires as homes unexpectedly burnt to the ground.
Many bridges and underground locations have been flooded with the Blessed Divine Mother's salty ocean tears.
Faulty systems of transportation, education and economics can not move us into a future of Grace.
This is Our Collective Lesson.
Allow your mind, heart and spirit to move into the Alignment of Love.

Breathe Deeply Four Times.

Begin to Breathe as a Fair Witness.

Change has Come.

Open your minds, your hearts, your brains and your banks.
 Honor the new clarity and inspiration of goodness that comes after every loss.

Act as a Fair Witness. Share your genius with compassion and offer hope.

 Now Let Us Begin to Build Better with Love!

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