Saturday, August 17, 2013

Review of the Movie Lee Daniels' The Butler

There will be much conversation about this film. As a child of the Civil Rights Movement and one who attended The March On Washington because My Mom, Betty J. Tilman of Pittsburgh, PA was a Civil Rights Foot Soldier, I would like to say that I cried often throughout "Lee Daniels' The Butler". One fact can Not be denied. It is a good place to start/re-ignite a conversation of the American History Civil Rights Foot Soldiers; and the work we still have to do to bring Equity and Solidarity with Compassion and Love to Our Hearts. Thank You for Making this movie which deeply stirs My Soul, and Hopefully the Souls of Many in Our Nation and throughout the World. As Dr. King Jr. once Said---'Where Do We Go From Here?" I Stand with All of You with HOPE for Healing and Reconciliation!---Melony McGant

 THE BUTLER Movie Trailer (2013)
by Movie Trailers
THE BUTLER Trailer, in thraters /
Directed by Lee Daniels, starring John Cusack, Forest Whitaker, David Oyelowo, Oprah Winfrey, Jane Fonda, Alan Rickman, Cuba Gooding, Lenny Kravitz....

THE BUTLER tells the story of Cecil Gains who served 8 presidents as the White House's head butler over three decades. The film traces the dramatic changes that swept American society during this time, from the civil rights movement to Vietnam and beyond, and how those changes affected this man's life and family.

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