Friday, August 15, 2014

In Response to the Ferguson Police and the many other Inequities ...My Beloved America!

My Beloved America...

 What Are You?
Where Is Our Cherished Democracy?

Why have you allowed Deceitful Progress
to come and steal our Children's Future?

America, you have sent away our jobs,
robbed us of our life savings or homes
and taken away our Privacy,
our Right to Assemble,
our Free Speech
our access to Airwaves
and Our Right to VOTE!

America, you and Deceitful Progress
have used the Nation's Courts
to create monopolies for Robber Barons
to steal and control our Nation.

America, you have turned neighbor
against neighbor and used technology
to bicker and create new wars
and prisons for profit
when you should be
Nurturing the Brilliance,
the Creativity and the
Hope of Our Children.

Stop Lying America.
Almost 50 percent of this Nation
is living in Poverty.

And your answer has been to arm police
with M-16's that kill valued citizens
and war tanks on City Streets
with teargas to control  those
with courage who peacefully assemble
to protest inequity and injustice?

My Beloved America...

There will be No Real Progress
without Equity, Education,
Integrity, Good Jobs and Respect
for All the People of Our Nation!

My Beloved America...
What Are You?
Where Is Our Cherished Democracy?

My Beloved America...
(c) Melony McGant

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