Thursday, December 29, 2016

Celebrating Kwanzaa Day 4---Principle of "Ujaama", a Swahili word for Cooperative Economics!

Celebrating Kwanzaa Day 4---Principle of "Ujaama", a Swahili word for Cooperative Economics! 

That Which I Desire....


How will I navigate and learn to swim if I am fearful of water? 

Learning to swim is like trusting that Love can help me let go of my fear of all the Fish navigating the Waters of Hope. 

I Breathe and Exhale Patience and Love Deeply, Four Times.

In Love. Out Patience with Love. In Love. Out Patience with Love. In Love. Out Patience with Love. In Love. Out Patience with Love.

With Gratitude, Commitment and Trust, I step into the Waters of Hope. 

The whispers of Love beckon me to imagine myself as a dolphin-- joyful, playful; kind and Loving. 

Today, honoring Ujamaa, the Swahili word for Cooperative Economics I open my heart with Gratitude and Trust. 

Again, I Breathe and Exhale Patience and Love. In Love. Out Patience with Love.

I make a Commitment to work for the Good of Our Collective and to Share Resources with the many fish swimming, as we All learn to navigate the Waters of Hope! 

UJAMAA! Cooperative Economics! 

That which I Desire of Love, I Must Give in Love.

For Our Ancestors, Our Elders, Our Families and Every Child We Know and Those Yet to Be Born--- May We All Work Together and Learn to Do Business Together So that We Create Strong Educational, Economic Foundations and Become Good Responsible Stewards of Love and Prosperity To Share!

Ubuntu! I AM Because You Are! 

Umoja! Unity! 

Kujichagulia! Self-Determination! 

Ujima! Collective Work and Responsibility! 

Ujamaa! Cooperative Economics! 

Always, Melony

Please Re-Member...Peace is Possible through Compassion, Forgiveness, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Respect, Understanding and--- The Grace of Love!

About Kwanzaa...
 Kwanzaa is an unique celebration founded in 1966 that takes place December 26th through January 1st every year. It encourages people around the World of African descent to restore a Universal Family Tradition and to strengthen bonds within the family and community. 

Dr. Maulana Karenga is the founder of Kwanzaa. Through seven principles represented by the candles lit on the Kinara each day during the celebration of Kwanzaa, we honor Our heritage as people of African descent who lost a great deal of our heritage through enslavement.

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