Tuesday, July 29, 2014

I Give Thanks!

Beloveds Radiant  Ones---

I Breathe  and Exhale Deeply Four Times  and clear my mind and my heart of all my preconceived notions of how life and  this day should be.

I Give Thanks to the Master  Creator for allowing me to be on this Earth.

I  Give Thanks for waking  up today; for the  storms that have turned me and my life upside down; for the  rainbows of hope and kindness shared by children, family, friends and the  strangers who become friends.

I Give Thanks for the  shining Sun of Love that teaches me to embrace our cultural differences with Joy  and honor Elders with Loving Respect.

 I Breathe Deeply in  Gratitude for the mistakes I have made which turned out to offer important  lessons of humility and taught me to have Courage to live my  dreams.

I Breathe and feel the  Spirit of Hope come Alive in my body and my heart.

I Give Thanks to All  Creations of Love and Purpose and honor Love and Purpose within  Myself.

For all that is known  and for the Eternal Mystery and Answers Hidden and Discovered Only through  Love,  I  Give Thanks!

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