Monday, July 21, 2014

Truth Is Rarely Popular


People who scorn Integrity and Truth are often Not willing to become less selfish and change the way they live so that All Children of All Faiths on Earth/Heart will benefit.

Truth is rarely popular except when seen through the lens of the catastrophic.

I still myself in Gratitude. I ask to have the Courage and Fortitude to step into the New Day with Integrity and Truth as my constant companions.

I Breathe Deeply 8 times. I Breathe In Integrity and Truth.  I Breathe Out Love and Forgiveness.

Through Love, I have the Courage and Fortitude to live with Integrity and Truth so that Hope can exist; and All the Children of the Earth/Heart can be safe.

When we open our hearts to compassionate conversation, we will say No to bullies, guns and violence.

Then Our Children will learn and grow and live the dream of a vivid peace with a Love that prospers and can benefit All on Earth/Heart.

I Breathe In Integrity and Truth. I Breathe Out Love and Forgiveness.

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