Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Prosperous Mountains of Hope! # Las Vegas #BlackWallStreet #TulsaOklahoma

Prosperous Mountains of HOPE!  #LasVegas #BlackWallStreet #TulsaOklahoma

Beautiful People,

Today Let Us Take a Moment to Still Our Minds and Our Hearts.

Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.

Let us take time to mourn the tragedy of those precious people lost or injured in the horrific terrorist attack in Las Vegas.  Their only crime was that they gathered joyfully attended a concert. 

"Why would anyone want to inflict pain and suffering on a community?" we ask ourselves.

We may have forgotten or perhaps never knew that the Largest Terrorist Attack in the United States occurred in Tulsa, Oklahoma on June 1, 1921. 

Black Wall Street,  or a community known as Little Africa was attacked by White Rioters. 
3, 000 African Americans were lynched and murdered  and the entire community of over 10,000 people was completely destroyed by white rioters.  Their only crime was to be black.

Have we learned nothing from the many  historical horrific acts of violence in our country  or the World?

Why?  Perhaps hate or fear or just plain evil.

And yet Time has taught us to have Hope even as we search for a way to heal our broken hearts.

I Believe that Beyond the evil of hate, greed, terrorist attacks or a desire for control and power...

Lives Hope!

Beyond the politics of corporations, governments, religions and who's who in the social hierarchy of communities...

If we look, we will always discover Prosperous Mountains of Hope hidden in every Heart; but sometimes forgotten by people who live in fear.

Courage, Integrity, Mercy, Truth and Respect live in these mountains-- with the desire only to be of service, and to build a World of Love.

For those seeking Peace, they offer the Wisdom of Collective Ancestors.  For those who are sick, Courage, Mercy, Truth and Respect show Compassion and offer Loving Care.

For those who are sad, angry, or needing forgiveness, Courage, Mercy, Truth and Respect listen and offer Unconditional Love.

Love is like honey, it always helps to heal.

I am like an innocent child always believing that Prosperous Mountains of Hope lay hidden in every Heart seeking to build a World of Love!

As We Mourn Our History of Violence,  the Recent Terrorist Attack in  Las Vegas and Throughout the World ...

As a Part of Our Collective Healing...

Let Us Open Our Hearts and Try to Truly Love One Another So that We Can Re-Discover the Prosperous Mountains of Hope in Our Hearts! 

Always, Melony

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity,  Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

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