Sunday, January 19, 2014

Awaken In Love!


Awaken In Love and Breathe Deeply Four Times.

Honor the Master Creator who has given us a New Day.

Each breath clears the four chambers of your heart and energizes the entire being.

Breathe in Gratitude for the Four Seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.

Be Grateful for the four elements
that guide your journey.

Earth, Our Mother, teaches us to feel
the miraculous songs in the Air as we breathe.

These songs travel through the Water of our bodies and ignite the Fire of our hearts.

Breathe deeply in the Songs of Love
and you will become Rooted in Gratitude, Flexible in Every Challenge
and Expansive in Hope on Your Journey of Life!

As We Honor the Four Seasons of Life,
We Awaken In Infinite, Eternal Love!

Breathe and Re-member!

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