Sunday, March 30, 2014

No Matter What!

In  a World where egotism, fear and materialism has taken center stage, it is true that  small minds may try to destroy those who know Truth before their own inadequacy  or fear of equity and good change is discovered.
These  people often will attempt to sabotage or undermine your positive intentions and  actions.  They may even try  to rain on a joy parade or burst your bubble of  enthusiasm and happiness. 

Even  to them offer compassion and kindness.  Pray that they too will soon Awaken to  Love. 

When you have been hurt,  wounded or discouraged, simply stop and still your mind. 

Breathe Deeply Ten  Times.  With each breath, Inhale Patience filled with the Oxygen of Love.   Exhale Hurt, Pain and Disappointment. Take Your Time. Keep Breathing  Deeply. 

Remember  this-- When You Awaken and Walk In Truth, no matter the obstacles;  new doors  will appear through Grace.  As you are able to keep your heart open and offer  forgiveness;  Love will reward you with the Courage and Faith to live with a  peaceful heart, unlimited creativity, energy and resources to manifest your Good  Dream. 

Breathe Deeply.   No Matter What--- Keep  Moving Forward!  Today, Give Thanks for Wisdom, Grace and the Unlimited Power of  Love.  

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